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View Full Version : "Seduction"

John Keeton
02-04-2012, 8:38 PM
While at the Ohio Valley symposium, I purchased a couple of blocks of madrone burl that had been boiled. I really do not care for the contorted forms that are done with non-stabilized madrone - though I know I am in the minority on that one.

This piece is 7" x 2.75", and is finished with BLO and acrylic matte spray. There is just a hint of brown dye on the edge of the rim to accent the overlay. The "button" is walnut. In my original sketch, I had drawn in the possibility of a carved upper torso to give greater meaning to the plunging neckline, but decided to leave it to the imagination!;):D

I will say, the madrone was one of the nicest woods I have ever turned. It carved wonderfully - no hint of chip out with the burl.

222578 222579 222580 222581

Roger Chandler
02-04-2012, 8:42 PM
A very elegant form, John............I like the flowing curve all the way from pedestal to top........the neck is nicely done.....congratulations on another nice piece!

Harvey Ghesser
02-04-2012, 8:43 PM
A real beauty, John. The entire curve, top to bottom is flawless! Wonderfull execution...

Bob Bergstrom
02-04-2012, 8:44 PM
That is one sweet ogee. So well balanced and in a piece that really shows the ogee at it best. Looks like you nailed it. Thanks for the look.

David DeCristoforo
02-04-2012, 8:44 PM
Sweet. For some strange reason, it looks upside down to me in the third and forth pics. In the first two where you can see the carving, it looks more "right". I think I may have bent my brain.

Eric Holmquist
02-04-2012, 9:01 PM
Beautiful form, and I really like the neckline concept, the button was a great touch.

Does boiling Madrone burl stabilize it in some way?

Doug W Swanson
02-04-2012, 9:19 PM
Now that is something different for you, John! Great job!

Scott Hackler
02-04-2012, 9:34 PM
Very nice John. Madrone is a cool wood to work with, although I do prefer the warping flavor! This piece immediately makes me want to break out the piercing tool and "get to work on it"!

Eric Gourieux
02-04-2012, 9:45 PM
Very nice, John. I always enjoy your posts and the last two turnings are no exception. You seem to be expanding your repertoire!

David E Keller
02-04-2012, 10:01 PM
Stabilized madrone?!? That's like picking all the eyes out of a burl! Seriously, it's a nice looking piece. If I were to be hypercritical, she seems a little bottom heavy... Like the radius of the curve tightens a bit too quickly for me. I love the neckline and button... Simple adornment for a beautiful piece of wood! I suppose I'll forgive you for stabilizing the madrone since no self-respecting woman would wear a wrinkled dress!

Alan Trout
02-04-2012, 10:07 PM

I really like the piece. Wonderful form, but I think it might look better without the foot. But that may just be my taste.


dan carter
02-04-2012, 10:24 PM
That is a nice piece of work, John.

Curt Fuller
02-04-2012, 10:44 PM
plunging neckline, but decided to leave it to the imagination!;):D

I think that's what makes the piece. Anyone that looks at this and reads the title will see it in just a little different way. I found myself kind of craning my neck to see if I could peek down the top ;).

John I think I like your titles and descriptions almost as much as your turnings.

Bernie Weishapl
02-04-2012, 11:31 PM
John that is a cool piece. I do like the form and the plunging neckline.

Steve Schlumpf
02-05-2012, 12:50 AM
Another winner John! Enhancing the carving with a touch of dye was a smart move. Just enough color to highlight the edge. I really like the form on this piece. Has an organic feel to it and really grabs your attention! Cool stuff John! Thanks for sharing!

Dan Forman
02-05-2012, 2:24 AM
John --- You have a very fertile imagination! Love the title and the piece.


Joe Meirhaeghe
02-05-2012, 6:14 AM

I really like the piece. Wonderful form, but I think it might look better without the foot. But that may just be my taste.

I have to agree here, Alan took the words right out of my mouth. Did you hand carve or power carve? Either way It looks like a good even flow to the carving as well.

John Keeton
02-05-2012, 6:25 AM
You folks are way too kind - I do appreciate your comments! The original sketch did not have the base/foot, however, while it was still on the chuck I conferred with Ms. Keeton and we agreed the foot was needed to lift the form. It sat fairly heavy without the foot - perhaps that is because "she" is a bit heavy in the hips!:D I nice pair of "spike heels" kept her from looking dumpy.

Joe, the minimal carving was done by hand.

Michelle Rich
02-05-2012, 7:26 AM
this is different for you. I like the neck treatment. I have seen this type of carving before & have always liked it..seems to give grace to a vessel.