View Full Version : new photos from new set up

ryan kelley
02-04-2012, 3:42 PM
I used a #09 gradient backdrop and homemade soft boxes. Photos were taken with my phone.
First is a curl maple and the second is masur birch.

Nate Davey
02-04-2012, 5:15 PM
Nice photo and great wood work. Amazing what a simple backdrop can do.

David DeCristoforo
02-04-2012, 5:29 PM
The backdrop looks good but you are in way too close and the pictures exhibit major barrel distortion. Try moving the camera back a bit and "zooming out". Then you can crop the image as you wish. (Did I sound like Jamie Donaldson?)

Steve Schlumpf
02-04-2012, 7:01 PM
Yup... what Jamie said!

Jamie Donaldson
02-04-2012, 7:29 PM
Good eye David, this is definitely an example of the "fat lady effect," but I was just marveling about the clarity of the image. Most users don't remember to wipe off the finger smudges over the phone/camera lens that "soften" the images. What type of cellphone was this anyway, it's very good? I do recommend unbalancing the light positions, to enhance the appearance of depth. Simply lower and move further away either 1 of the softboxes, and this will work even better for a shiny surface, to remove the twin headlight/highlights that are very distracting.

robert raess
02-04-2012, 7:40 PM
Where did you get no. 9 gradient?

ryan kelley
02-05-2012, 2:23 PM
Thanks for input, taking pictures is always very frustrating for me I can never get it right. Jamie the phone is the Samsung Galaxy IIS, takes better photos than my Nikon point and shoot. Robert I found the backdrop online at Photo Tech Inc. I'll have more time tomorrow to try more pics.

David E Keller
02-05-2012, 3:51 PM
Nicely done, Ryan! I think I've finally read Jamie's suggestions enough times that I'm beginning to actually understand what to look for in a photo... Now, I just need to apply that info to my own shots!FWIW, the new iPhone has an 8 megapixel camera which makes for a pretty clear image... Looks like the Samsung has got plenty of resolution as well.