View Full Version : Classifieds 'rules' for postings

daniel lane
02-02-2012, 11:35 PM
I've heard more than once that "the rules require a price" in a classified ad, but try as I might, I've never seen this in writing (except in replies to posts). Am I missing a whole section with rules, etc.? I tried the TOS, I tried the FAQ, and I've searched the tech support forum...is this an etiquette thing, or is it a rule? If I'm missing the rule, could someone please point me to what I'm missing so I can read the section? My concern here is less that I want to post without pricing and more that I've missed a whole section with rules that may apply to other behaviors... :o

Many thanks,


daniel lane
02-10-2012, 4:18 PM
Granted this forum isn't as high traffic an area as others, but 100+ views and no responses? Have Keith or any moderators seen this? Given my research and the lack of responses when I've PMed folks or even posted this, I'm thinking that there is no rule and that everyone else is just as unsure as I am. However, it would be great if someone would confirm this. Anyone? Bueller? Bueller?


Ken Fitzgerald
02-10-2012, 4:27 PM
Daniel, PM Keith Outten, owner/administrator about this. I will post a link to this thread in the Moderator's Forum to see if I can get an answer.

Here's my take. While I know of no formal rule, if you don't post a price in the ad, you will probably get fewer responses from some who might be interested and you will probably take a few caustic remarks. Personally, if someone didn't post a price with an classified ad, my skepticism would suggest the seller thinks too highly of it and will want too much for it. I wouldn't respond. Beyond that there are a few people who can be pretty caustic and try to call someone out for veering from the accepted normal tradition.

Again..PM Keith....I will research it and get back to you in this thread if I find out anything.

Dan Hintz
02-10-2012, 7:57 PM

This has been discussed before, and while I, too, have never seen it written in stone (I was one of the old codgers who told Daniel he had to list a price), I've seen more than one mod say such a thing. It makes sense, IMO, to at least give the potential purchaser a financial range to shoot for. Posters are certainly free to add "OBO" after any dollar value, but I think leaving it unwritten can cause a bidding war, private or public, and those can get nasty with lots of hurt feelings to go around. Prices can always be lowered, but I don't think we want to turn the Creek into an eBay copy... so I support the unwritten "price must be listed" rule.

Ron Bontz
02-10-2012, 10:16 PM
I agree with Dan. YIKES! If someone does not like the price asked. He/she can either not buy it or offer what they think is fair. It is that simple. I think it should be kept as straight forward and open as possible.

Ken Fitzgerald
02-10-2012, 11:09 PM
Two things can eliminate a lot of nusance calls, emails or PMs when it comes to advertising something in the Classifieds Ads Forum:

1. List a price.

2. List the location.

A lack of either or both will often keep me from even considering thinking about buying something even if I'm interested.

We are discussing this in the Moderators Forum and waiting for Keith's input.

daniel lane
02-10-2012, 11:35 PM
Thanks guys, for the answers. And I wasn't looking to out you, Dan! As mentioned earlier, the reason I asked is because I'd heard it said so, too, but I'd never SEEN it. If I hadn't seen it but it was a rule, what else was I missing? Sounds like the answer is "you aren't missing anything else" considering I've searched FAQs and the TOS.

Since I was one who had violated the unwritten rule, as it were, I figure I'll fess up - the reason I didn't list a price at first was because I was trying to judge interest in getting rid of the cyclone I can't use in favor of a dust collector I could use. I was open to someone buying it outright, but was also seeing if trades were possible with folks, so I didn't like a price because my primary hope was to barter, not sell. Once Dan reminded me of the unwritten rule, I put a number in there, but that is at least an example of why I hadn't started with a number.

Anyway, thanks Ken and others for consideration to this.



Keith Outten
02-11-2012, 7:04 AM
Originally there was a "Rules" thread in our Classified Forum that was stuck at the top of the forum. It was deleted somehow on one of our mass cleanup efforts.
I will replace the sticky thread this weekend.

In the meantime we have never, to my knowledge, required anyone to provide a price or a location in a classified thread. Many times it has been strongly suggested by Members here but I don't recall it ever being a rule. Daniel's point about the possibility of arranging a barter or trade in lieu of a sale is the reason we never made it a requirement to provide a price. This allows some flexibility when threads are created for the OP to leave various doors open. While I think this is still a good idea I think it is best to always be clear about your intention when you post so people understand the details and your expectations.

Dan Hintz
02-11-2012, 7:56 AM
Daniel's point about the possibility of arranging a barter or trade in lieu of a sale is the reason we never made it a requirement to provide a price.

Then doesn't it make sense to make the rule "You must place a price and/or list items you would be willing to trade for"? As I said, without some clear identification of what the seller is looking for in terms of a financial recovery (be it through actual cash or some trade-in worth same), we run the risk of turning the Classifieds into an eBay situation, with bidding in the dark, screams of "but I PM'ed you first, just because he offered more..." type scenarios, etc.

Scott Donley
02-11-2012, 6:38 PM
O"BOY another "rule" . Nothing stopping someone from offering more in a PM now. Who knows who offered more in a PM or posted first in the thread now ? Yes, I like to see a price, but, If you have a need just send a PM.

Keith Outten
02-12-2012, 8:40 AM
The Classifieds Forum is one of our Forums that is better off without a lot of restrictions so it can fit more situations.
My concern is that people understand that SawMill Creek is not responsible for any transactions.

I am considering opening up our Classifieds Forum to commercial posts with a pay per listing option. We have lots of small companies who would like to advertise here that aren't in a position to contract a banner advertisement. If I decide to offer this option it would be controlled so it doesn't get out of hand, in fact an Admin would be the only person who would be able to create a commercial classified thread. Fees would be similar to what you would expect in your local newspaper.

Keith Outten
02-12-2012, 9:01 PM

Then doesn't it make sense to make the rule "You must place a price and/or list items you would be willing to trade for"? As I said, without some clear identification of what the seller is looking for in terms of a financial recovery (be it through actual cash or some trade-in worth same), we run the risk of turning the Classifieds into an eBay situation, with bidding in the dark, screams of "but I PM'ed you first, just because he offered more..." type scenarios, etc.


Every rule here is based on feedback from our Community, I don't really have a preference concerning how things should be done which is why there has never been a requirement to post a price. I also don't get involved when a seller decides who to sell to, how payment is made and I definitely don't want to be responsible if things go wrong. Buyers and sellers have to work out the details among themselves for each transaction. Our position is much like a newspaper, we simply print the advertisements.

We don't allow public bidding situations here since we aren't an auction site.