View Full Version : Cored Walnut Bowls

Bernie Weishapl
02-02-2012, 5:57 PM
After the last couple of weeks I neede some stress relief. Had a lady called and wanted a set of bowls. I explained her about coring with the different sizes and she said that was great. She didn't balk at the price of $125 and was extremely happy I could do it. So I cored a 14" piece of walnut which had a few cracks hence the slightly smaller size of the big one. They are 11 1/2" X 4 1/2", 8 1/2" X 3" and 6 1/2" X 2". Finished with ploymerized tung oil. I told her they had to cure for at least 3 weeks or so and she said that was fine. Anyway felt good to be back in the shop.

Primvs Aebvtivs
02-02-2012, 6:11 PM
Nice work Bernie! I like the fact you cored the wood - wish I had the tool to.

Ken Glass
02-02-2012, 6:14 PM
They are beautiful, but with all the work you did, I think you sold them way too cheap. She should be ticked to death at that quality for that price. Well Done, my friend.

Tony De Masi
02-02-2012, 6:34 PM
Real nice work Bernie but I'm with Ken on this as I think you waaaaaaaaaaaaaay underpriced them. At least for my area.

Doug W Swanson
02-02-2012, 7:22 PM
You gotta love Walnut. One of my favorite woods to turn. Great bowls!

Steve Vaughan
02-02-2012, 7:29 PM
That's some purdy walnut there! Congrats on the sale and nice job on the coring!

Jim Burr
02-02-2012, 7:42 PM
$200 bud...you're under cutting ever one else in your neighborhood!!! If I remember, you have the Oneway? Heading that way next...post more stuff so we can learn more!

Harry Robinette
02-02-2012, 7:52 PM
I'm with most of the others. They're nice bowls but way to cheap. Here in Oh were I am I could get $175 to $215 for a set that big in Walnut.

Mike Cruz
02-02-2012, 8:48 PM
Wow, more walnut...my smile just turned to envy.

Beautiful set of bowls. I'm looking to dive into coring in a couple of weeks. Looking forward to NOT wasting so much pretty wood. Glad you cored this one.

Roger Chandler
02-02-2012, 9:52 PM
Those are indeed beautiful bowls..........very nice work Bernie!

John Keeton
02-02-2012, 10:13 PM
Way too cheap!!!!!

Bernie Weishapl
02-02-2012, 10:58 PM
Thanks again to all. I know it is cheap but for out here I can't get prices like mentioned. I had bowls that I have had $175 to $200 on that have sat for a couple of yrs. I lowered the price to $150 and they still sat. So when I hit $125 they started selling. I have some cored bowls that still have $175 price tag on them still sitting.
So I just keep working at it.

Dan Forman
02-03-2012, 4:29 AM
Really nice set, and that lady's getting a heck of a deal!


Michelle Rich
02-03-2012, 6:46 AM
I like coring, as it saves so much wood. Very nice set, bernie. congrats on the sale

Mike Cruz
02-03-2012, 8:06 AM
Bernie, I was actually thinking about this thread while having my breakfast... You've gotten a little slack for the price you set. Bottom line is that if you are happy with what you got, and your client is happy with what she received and paid, everyone's happy.

I have a little niche item that I sell for $150. It takes 8-10 hours to make. When you figure in materials, shop supplies, etc, I make about $10 an hour...nothing to get rich on. I do it because I enjoy it. When someone says they want one, and are willing to pay $150 for it, I'm more happy that they wanted what I make than I am about the $150. Everyone that sees them says I should charge at least double. But I don't know if I would have sold ANY if I charged $300...

Glad you were both happy. Here's to your next sale!

Steve Schlumpf
02-03-2012, 10:37 AM
Beautiful bowls Bernie! Your customer is going to be thrilled with the set! Hope it leads to additional sales for you! Very nice work!

steven carter
02-03-2012, 12:52 PM
Really nice set of bowls Bernie. I'm not sure any of us get what we think our turnings are "worth", but I suspect there are very wide differences on prices in different areas. My theory is that the farther you get from cities, the lower the amount you can command (less people/less demand/lower prices). Maybe that Econ 101,102,203 etc actually sunk in:).

Bernie Weishapl
02-03-2012, 1:03 PM
Thanks again.

Mike I just get what I can get and I am happy with it. It took me about 8 hrs to core, finish turning and getting the finish on. That gets me about $15 a hour and it helps that the wood was free.

Steve the lady called last night and says her daughter wants a set. So tomorrow will start on those.

Steven you are right. We have 9 small towns around here with populations from 300 to 2900.