View Full Version : Opinions please !

John Spitters
02-01-2012, 3:04 PM
I've already bleached the form and as you can see the pedestal is now white and the finial will be as well.

I would really like to do this one in color as well to stand next to and compliment the other "green" one, however now that I have it assembled and standing next to the first "green" one I'm thinking that maybe the body of the piece should perhaps be natural, Hmmmmm? But I also want to highlight the figure and I know that coloring will do that so much better than not coloring. But if I was to color .... what color should it be?


Robert McGowen
02-01-2012, 3:07 PM
I would leave the natural color body only if you were going to use black on the pedestal and finial. If you are going to color the body, then use the white pedestal and finial. YMMV

Jon Prouty
02-01-2012, 3:12 PM
I'm thinking a brilliant blue would look awesome next to that green. However, I have been accused of being color blind so take it with a grain of salt.


John Keeton
02-01-2012, 3:13 PM
John, when you say "compliment", that could mean using the complementary color. For green, red is the compliment, and IMO would look OK with the white, but not great. I think a black finial and pedestal would look better.

Of course, there are analogous colors, etc. that might also work. IMO, while "anything goes with white or black", that may not hold true here. I can think of limited colors that I would prefer to see with the white - perhaps blue, maybe gray, pink, or light yellow.

allen thunem
02-01-2012, 3:21 PM
john I would like to see one of them on my mantel, doesnt matter which one, both are simple in their shape and elegant.

Jamie Donaldson
02-01-2012, 3:25 PM
Since the base and finial are going to be white, the body HAS to be BLACK! Sand it back enough to highlight the grain, and who cares if they are not a pair, since each will stand alone. Black and white will always go together!!!

John Spitters
02-01-2012, 3:34 PM
As much as we all know that "black" goes with white, I'm really hesitant to use it here. The problem I see is that if it's colored black and then sanded back many areas will be a muddy grey and I don't think I'll be happy with that.
When I look at the color wheel and go opposite the green, the color of choice would be a watermellon color, hmmm not really liking that either.
The more that I look at the two forms together I'm somewhat leaning toward blue, hmmmm?

John Spitters
02-01-2012, 4:38 PM
Well "BLUE" it is no turning back now. I must say though that it looks very elegant. Royal blue and white, but this time I think I'll hold off posting it till it's got all of it's coats on, buffed and ready to be seen all spiffed up.


02-01-2012, 5:58 PM
As a boater and fisherman I'd go with red, as in "port" versus the green for "starboard." As a woodturner and sometimes painter I'd go with red as it is the complimentary color of green.

Jamie Donaldson
02-01-2012, 7:23 PM
But Bill, Christmas season is over!

Doug Herzberg
02-01-2012, 7:43 PM
What about going sideways on the color wheel (analogous colors)? Where will they end up? Any way to know the color scheme, or will you just sell to whoever likes it? If it was me, I'd go in the direction of violet. If I went the other way, I'd go right past green. I don't like the complimentary color, either. If they're a set, I'd make the pedestals and finials the same on both. Just my $.02.

Brian Effinger
02-01-2012, 8:52 PM
Glad you picked blue. That was my second thought, right after not leaving it natural since it the green would overpower it.

Peter Blair
02-01-2012, 9:24 PM
I agree, the blue should look fantastic. Are you still using the two part wood bleach?

John Spitters
02-01-2012, 9:35 PM
I agree, the blue should look fantastic. Are you still using the two part wood bleach?

Hi Pete
Yes I'm using the two part wood bleach, I've found that .. first off if the wood is slightly muddy looking it will give you a more neutral base to work with when you apply the dye so that your coloring will be more predictable. Also the colors tend to be more vibrant.

Michelle Rich
02-02-2012, 6:18 AM
I like your choice of white for the base & finial..I would choose a blue,(dark) or a blue that has red tints (very light)

Steve Schlumpf
02-02-2012, 10:57 AM
Looks like blue would work great on bringing out all that curl! Look forward to seeing the photos!