View Full Version : The worms crawl in the worms crawl out..........SJPT

Roger Chandler
01-31-2012, 11:10 PM
Okay........yesterday when I was at the gallery, the SJPT items were few........need to replenish the display.....so got busy today on this............it had worms! :eek:

The guy working there at the time told me most of what sells is the simple stuff......bowls, platters, etc....things considered utilitarian........so..........the embellishments and the form on this centuries old white oak are very simple.........could have added beads and other things, could have made a more complex form, but a simple vase is the order of the day.

I guessed on the dimensions earlier, [the form was on the lathe in the shop and I was in the house on the computer] so, the form is actually 7.5 inches high and 5.25 wide.......I should have measured the first time :o:o

Two lines burned in to tie the foot to the form...........I made this for someone to place a flower arrangement in ......[silk arrangement] for a centerpiece on a table or some such display.........don't know if old Stonewall would approve or not, but perhaps he would! ;)


Michelle Rich
02-01-2012, 7:29 AM
remember to charge extra for those worms!! :-)

Roger Chandler
02-01-2012, 7:38 AM
remember to charge extra for those worms!! :-)

Do I charge by the pound or ounce? :D

Paul Gallian
02-01-2012, 10:55 AM
charge by the number of worms.. don't take them fishing

Jamie Donaldson
02-01-2012, 11:03 AM
Dang you Roger, now I'll be humming that old song all day long!! That vase is a sure sale, and you should be saluted for your use of a historic tree for a very worthy cause.

Roger Chandler
02-01-2012, 11:11 AM
Dang you Roger, now I'll be humming that old song all day long!! That vase is a sure sale, and you should be saluted for your use of a historic tree for a very worthy cause.

Kind of a catchy tune don't ya' think, Jamie! :eek::D

Rob Price
02-01-2012, 11:12 AM
Great looking vase. I really like the use of the burn lines and the overal balance.

Roger Chandler
02-01-2012, 11:24 AM
Great looking vase. I really like the use of the burn lines and the overal balance.

Thanks Rob!

steven carter
02-01-2012, 12:52 PM
Really nice vase Roger! How did you burn the lines in the foot? I have a hard time burning lines when the wood is slanted, the wire wants to wander down hill. Burning on a level surface, no problem.


Roger Chandler
02-01-2012, 1:03 PM
Really nice vase Roger! How did you burn the lines in the foot? I have a hard time burning lines when the wood is slanted, the wire wants to wander down hill. Burning on a level surface, no problem.



I used my pyro writing pen....put grooves in the foot, then put the small toolrest up next to the foot, turned the lathe on slow.......real slow ....think 40 rpm, and put the tip of the pen into the groove.......allowed it to make several rotations and had the pen at about 8 out of 10 on the heat sections.........tried to use even and light pressure so as not to get a burn dot.

I used guitar string for the ones on the top in grooves I cut.

Jamie Donaldson
02-01-2012, 1:22 PM
Roger, I wonder how many kids today know that catch little ditty??? Must be an app for it somehow!!!

Roger Chandler
02-01-2012, 1:49 PM
Roger, I wonder how many kids today know that catch little ditty??? Must be an app for it somehow!!!

Jamie, I heard that song [The hearse song] as a kid.........that first phrase stuck in my mind and came to me when the worms crawled out of their holes in this wood...........I could not remember the words, so I googled it and came upon many youtube videos............only after you mentioning it getting stuck in your brain.............funny! You should check out the youtube vids! :eek::D

James Combs
02-01-2012, 2:19 PM
Roger, my wife use to sing that little ditty to kids we baby sat in the 70s, almost new it by heart at one time.:D

Great looking vase by the way.;)

Jamie Donaldson
02-01-2012, 3:28 PM
Roger, with the current possibilities of digital animation, I'm not too sure I want to see them!!???:eek::eek::eek:

Donny Lawson
02-01-2012, 5:32 PM
I'd say you have a winner there. I like the overall shape and design. Question is, Was any worms harmed during the turning process?