View Full Version : Made in USA Furniture Manufacturer Gets A New USA made Bandsaw

Andrew Joiner
01-31-2012, 12:27 PM
Last night the TV show "Rock Center with Brian Williams" featured Lincolnton Furniture.
The owner closed his family's historic furniture factory about 20 years ago. He said he made "incredible money " as a middle man between Asian manufactures and USA furniture companies after the factory closed.
About a year ago he started a new factory in his home town. Great story.
It looks like they bought a new Tannewitz bandsaw. 2nd photo at the bottom of this link.

glenn bradley
01-31-2012, 12:53 PM
Kudos to this man. Listening to and watching those people who were seeing opportunity come back to their community actually made my eyes get watery: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/21134540/vp/46198559#46198559

Bruce Page
01-31-2012, 12:59 PM
I caught the last part of it. Great story, I hope they succeed.

Robert LaPlaca
01-31-2012, 1:08 PM
Wow so Lincolnton Furniture is in Lincolnton NC, I understand that the once great North Carolina furniture industry has been very hard hit... Most of the NC furniture manufacturers facilities are now nothing more than warehouse space for imported furniture..

Jim Rimmer
01-31-2012, 1:17 PM
Kudos to this man. Listening to and watching those people who were seeing opportunity come back to their community actually made my eyes get watery: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/21134540/vp/46198559#46198559

Great story! Thanks for posting the link. And thanks, Andrew, for starting the post.

Tru Thach
02-01-2012, 2:11 PM
I hope the rest of furniture warehouses will turn back on those machinery and start producing furniture again ...

Dave Mura
02-01-2012, 4:17 PM
Thanks for the link!

Van Huskey
02-01-2012, 11:00 PM
Saw the story, he seems very bullish on US manufacturing, I hope he is right! It seemed his biggest problem was getting financing, he had the upfront money just needed the day to day cost covered but he REALLY had to work for it.

Rick Fisher
02-02-2012, 2:18 AM
Kinda makes me sad that we have gotten to a place where someone opening a furniture factory is big news. Its good news, glad to hear it .. just weird..

Ole Anderson
02-02-2012, 10:30 AM
Great story. Even if the cost factor on certain industries starts favoring the USA, it will take some time for those wanting to start up again to pry the money out of our banks for financing, as the story showed. Reminds me of my BIL. He was production manager in a big dairy plant in Bristol TN until they closed the doors without regard to putting over a hundred local folks out of work. It now stands empty.

Neil Brooks
02-02-2012, 10:54 AM
Life's weird.

As fuel costs continue to rise, the savings from Far East production -- particularly for things that "cube out" shipping containers (meaning ... fill them up, but mostly with air ... like ... furniture) are quickly eroded.

Trying to dance at the edge OF the political ... there are so many cost elements in this kind of manufacturing ... it really only takes a spike or a big dip in one or two to change the calculus.

I'm glad to see this kind of development -- whatever the reason.

I'd also like a GiGundo Tanny BS, myself ;)

shane lyall
02-03-2012, 10:29 PM
He was production manager in a big dairy plant in Bristol TN

Small world! I'm in Bristol Virginia. Our little town sits on the VA/TN state line. It seems like I remember something about the shut down some time ago.

Ole Anderson
02-04-2012, 12:57 AM
He lived in the TN side of town, and I bet the plant was on the VA side of town. He has been working at dairy plants in AL and LA for at least 3 years while his wife still teaches in Bristol. Really sucks. I sent him a link to the video and he wishes any of his plant owners had the compassion for employees that the factory owner in the video exhibits.

Don Morris
02-04-2012, 3:32 AM
I recently bought one of those Asian made pieces of furniture off the net from NC. It's beautiful and the workmanship is top notch. I was told by the salesperson that the US company sent their top tech over to Viet Nam and he taught the work force. I couldn't have afforded the piece I bought years ago at the prices charged years ago. I hope the US, NC company makes it, but according to my son here in Maryland, who owns a small business, the local, state and Federal Govt. makes it so difficult for small business to succeed he's struggling to survive. A huge portion of his income goes towards taxes regardless of what Obama says about the incentives. Maybe we will have to put certain business's in certain states to avoid taxes in order to be successful. Here in Maryland, the third highest taxed state in the union, they would have a heck of a time making it.