View Full Version : Mushroom Match Boxes

dan carter
01-29-2012, 3:43 PM
These boxes are made from Juniper. Gloss Lacquer sealer, Tung Oil Finish, and buffed. Always popular mushrooms, they sell easily.

Roger Chandler
01-29-2012, 3:45 PM
Those are cool Dan............nice work! Whimsical and I think they have eclectic appeal.

mickey cassiba
01-29-2012, 4:58 PM
Mr Carter, those are neat...I bet they sell like hotcakes

Jim Burr
01-29-2012, 5:35 PM
Ha!!! That's great Dan...who'd a thought!

Eric Holmquist
01-29-2012, 6:01 PM
Nice idea!