View Full Version : AHA Go Red Bowl

Eric Holmquist
01-29-2012, 3:34 PM
Inspired by both the American Heart Association Go Red Campaign and Valentines Day coming up. Rolled rim Maple plate, pierced and airbrushed with an EM6000 waterborne lacquer finish. Fairly small, only 6" (15 cm) across. Has no foot to allow for piercing around the heart, so it rocks a bit when you tap the rim. Weekend project, will need to level and buff the finish in a few days once it has fully cured.


Steve Vaughan
01-29-2012, 3:50 PM
WOW! That's gets your attention right there! You say it's a weekend project, but it sure must have been the entire weekend. Love the whole pattern and look of it. Once you started piercing, did you just pierce by eye, or did you have a pattern traced out? Really nice and I'm sure somone's gonna love getting it.

Ryan Baker
01-29-2012, 4:53 PM
Buff the finish??? You are seriously going to buff that after the piercing? Do you have some sort of trick or do you just like to live dangerously? Cool piece though.

Jim Burr
01-29-2012, 5:37 PM
A weekend? Sure...just how many is in question!! You really represented this worthy program in a fantastic manner Eric...but watch the buffing!

Eric Holmquist
01-29-2012, 5:52 PM
Thanks all!

I turned the piece Friday night, pyroed, pierced and airbrushed it on Saturday and spent Sunday airbrushing another piece and finishing both. It helps that it is fairly small, goes quicker then. I worked out the ribbon design in December and was just waiting for the right piece to use it on.

Most of my pierced pieces get buffed, very light touch of course.

Doug W Swanson
01-29-2012, 8:29 PM
That is a great looking piece, Eric! It looks pretty fragile to be buffing now but I'm sure you have the experience to buff without breaking it!

Baxter Smith
01-29-2012, 11:30 PM
Very nicely done! Great theme at this time of year!

Bill Wyko
01-29-2012, 11:59 PM
Eric, that is truly extraordinary. Very, very beautiful.

Lionel Mercier
01-30-2012, 4:04 AM
a good idea
a nice object

Cheryl A. Prince
01-30-2012, 5:40 AM
Your attention to detail paid off! Really nice piece!

Michelle Rich
01-30-2012, 6:13 AM
wow! If I had tried this it would have been a heartache. :-).. Fantastic

Eric Holmquist
01-30-2012, 7:29 AM
Thanks again everyone

WOW! That's gets your attention right there! You say it's a weekend project, but it sure must have been the entire weekend. Love the whole pattern and look of it. Once you started piercing, did you just pierce by eye, or did you have a pattern traced out? Really nice and I'm sure somone's gonna love getting it.

First I drew the ribbon and heart then went over them with a spear tip wood burner. I then sanded off the layout lines. After that, the piercing was freeform, basically like coloring between the lines in kindergarten. Once the piercing was done, I hand sand, with a soft interface pad to remove the fuzzy edges of the piercings. At this point, it was ready for masking and airbrushing.

That is a great looking piece, Eric! It looks pretty fragile to be buffing now but I'm sure you have the experience to buff without breaking it!

Buff the finish??? You are seriously going to buff that after the piercing? Do you have some sort of trick or do you just like to live dangerously? Cool piece though.

hmm, you guys are making me paranoid! I've always buffed in the past, but am now starting to be afraid to do what has always worked for me. Maybe I have been living dangerously and just got lucky so far. The way I buff piercings is quite different from how I buff other stuff, I barely touch the piece to the wheel.

Steve Schlumpf
01-30-2012, 7:39 AM
That's pretty cool! Great design and color!

I wouldn't worry about the buffing thing... if something works for you, then it works.

Alan Trout
01-30-2012, 9:34 AM
That is a very nice piece.

Well done


Tony De Masi
01-30-2012, 9:44 AM
That is a gorgeous piece Eric. Thanks for telling us how you did it too. And if buffing has worked for you before then go for it again.