View Full Version : Walnut and holly Segmented Turning

Ken Glass
01-29-2012, 2:29 PM
Here is a Segmented Walnut Vase with a Holly feature ring and base. It is 9" inches across and 7" tall. I had some scraps and thought, what the hey, throw something together. My Wife thought the bottom looked better with a Holly foot, I didn't. See who won out. That Portuguese woman can be mean as H** sometimes. LOL Comments are always welcome.

Jim Burr
01-29-2012, 2:33 PM
My only suggestion would be to add more holly! You should always get the last word in your house Ken...I know I do and it's always "Yes Dear":o

Bill Bulloch
01-29-2012, 2:49 PM
I would have never guessed that to be Walnut. I have Cherry darker than that. You did an excellent job with your joinery and alignment. I am not too fond of the funnel shape, however, leaning more toward curves in the design. But, it is your design and you did a good job with it. The Holly really sets it off.

Michelle Rich
01-29-2012, 2:59 PM
one of the more graceful segmentations I have seen lately. Very nice job

Robert McGowen
01-29-2012, 4:07 PM
That is nice work. I like the little flare at the top. It sets it off from just having straight sides all the way to the top. I do not know how stable it would have been without the foot, so going along with the wife might have been a good thing!

Two comments. It looks like you left a dimple in the middle of the bottom. I would still try to sand it out if possible. Also, I am not sure that I have ever seen a segmented piece with two solid wood layers on the bottom. If you had segmented the first walnut layer, you would be able to see the holly in the bottom of the bowl, which would have looked nice, and you would not have the solid darker walnut ring that is a different color than the rest of the walnut.

I look forward to seeing the next one.

Bill Wyko
01-29-2012, 4:24 PM
Ken, a mans job is never done until he's married........The he's finished!!:D IMHO I kind of like it w/o the base. It seems that it would add more focus to the feature ring w/o the base. Nice job either way.

Steve Mawson
01-29-2012, 10:54 PM
My sister in law is Portuguese and she is just stubborn, still a nice lady. As far as the piece, that is the best use of scrap that I have seen for some time. Good job now if I could just learn to do that.