View Full Version : angled shooting board question

Steven Lee, NC
01-28-2012, 8:03 PM
I have seen pics of shooting boards where the plan cuts the end grain at an angle but haven't been able to find what angle I should use. Any suggestions?

Whats the maximum board width that I can realistically shoot as well. All the videos I've seen show pretty narrow pieces around a couple inches wide.


Derek Cohen
01-28-2012, 8:38 PM
I assume you mean a "ramped shooting board". If so, the ramp is 5 degrees.


Regards from Perth


Jim Koepke
01-28-2012, 8:47 PM
My mind was going in a completely different direction until reading Derek's post. He answered the first question.

As to how thick of stock that can be trimmed on a shooting board, that depends on the plane's blade width and the platform thickness.

The platform holding the work will subtract from the total width the blade can cut. Just a hair less than the distance between the top of the platform and the top edge of the blade will determine the limit.


Steven Lee, NC
01-28-2012, 9:14 PM
thanks, looking at the pictures, it sure seems alot steeper than 5 degrees