View Full Version : Low Cost Duplicator

Dale Maxim
01-28-2012, 1:11 PM
I'm sorry I can't make a video but I will try and explain. If I'm not clear please call me at 989-426-2861 and I'll explain over the phone. The picture below shows it set up for making balls which is the easiest. I'll start with that. This particular tool holder is made of steel with a melamine base. The heigth of the cutting tool (1/2" x 4" square metal lathe tool steel tool-$10 on interrnet) to the bottom of base is 4 1/8". If you want bigger dia's you will need to make this taller. Mine was made by a local tool shop for $125.The cutting tool sits on one side of holder so you can get closer to headstock. You can see on the base a black mark in the front. That is the center of the tool. It is just for reference. The oak piece on the front of the holder with that mark actually follows the round template ( template has a 1/4" spacer under it for the shavings to go so they won't impede the guide)and is the guide for the cutting tool. The tool is adjusted with the square to get the correct distance to the guide. I set it back about .050 for the rough cut and then right on for the finish. The template is 1/2" MDF turned to what ever dia. of ball you want. Make it with a 1/4" hole in center. I turn it round off that center to dia., then coat with glue to harden surface and then a light sanding to make it smooth. You can then mount it in one of the holes in the table and it will automatically be centered.The table is made from 2 layers of melamine (mine is 12" wide by 16" long offset so that center of lathe is 8" from front) on two 2x4 risers that are cut to the proper height so that the tool holder is right on the center line. The risers are attached to a hard wood plate that sits in the base to automatically center and lign up the table. The construction goes like this:1. make tool holder and tool to get a heigth. 2. Make double table and risers. Set them on base with tool holder to get proper heigth of risers. 3. Make plate that goes in base( good fit but still able to slide) and attach it to risers. Attach double table top. Locate in lathe and mark center line of head and tail stock on table top. Use a story board to drill 1/4" holes in top (not into risers) about every 1 inch. Mount your work between centers and slide the table with template to match your work. Clamp front and back of table and begin cutting. If you are going to use a temlate similiar to a wine glass or spindle you will need to make a slightly different melamine base for the tool holder. I haven't done this yet on my steel tool holder yet because I haven't needed one. I did do it on my wood holder. You will need to angle the front to more closely match the steel tower so that you can get the tool closer to the work on the internal cuts. You will also need to make a template follower that matches your cutting tool and place it in a notch centered on the tool in the base. For me that would be 1/2" wide by 1/4" deep with a rounded front to match the tool. It would go in a routed slot in the base. It would need to stick out from the base the distance you need to make all your cuts to depth. Again the cutting tool would be set up to the front of the follower. The template would be made with the center line marked on it. Use your story board to drill 2 holes to secure it to the table with 1/4' carriage bolts on that center line. For free hand turning you simply remove the template. If you normally work with longer templates you would want a longer table. You can make and mount carbide tools in the tool holder by using a steel bar that is machined and drilled for the carbide. I have one on a 3/18" bar. I prefer the tool steel though for cutting and finish. I use the same grind as my scrapers. Any other questions ask or call. Again I'm sorry about not being able to make a movie of this. Dale

Dale Maxim
01-28-2012, 1:19 PM
When I started this thread I mentioned I was building a slick low cost duplicator. It is done and working. I've attached some pictures and will go into more detail if someone has questions. It sets up automatically to the correct center distance and height so setup is under 1 minute. It uses low cost 1/2" x 4" square tool steel cutters used for the metal lathe cutting-$10. I had a tool holder made by a local tool shop for $125. I originally tried making a wooden one but it just didn't give very good support to the tool. Tools are easy to sharpen and shape and give a very good finish- scraper. You can use it without the template for relaxed and easy to learn turning. I have owned a Vega duplicator but I sold it. It just took to long to set up and the tools were to expensive. I originally did this to make wooden balls for the Chinese ball projects. It works much better than the fixture they propose.

I've added a couple more pictures. Also just a comment. If you are just starting out in turning. Using this fixture to learn and get a feel for lathe work is easier because the tool sharpening is simple since it is a scraper and you don't have to worry about bevels or height since the fixture sets up everything automatically.

Marvin Hasenak
01-28-2012, 3:37 PM
I like it, simple, easy to make and it works. Thanks for sharing.

Dale Maxim
01-28-2012, 8:28 PM
Marvin, I replied to your pm I think. If not let me know.

Dale Maxim
01-31-2012, 12:22 PM
I've finished the other base for the tool post that allows it to work on shaped profiles. i attached a couple pictures that show the base with 3 extra followers for round and flat tools.

ray hampton
01-31-2012, 2:51 PM
good idea , after I figure out what it was doing

Dale Maxim
03-22-2019, 9:41 AM
I'm trying to get in touch with Grant Wilkinson. I was not allowed to respond to his private message for some reason. Please call me at 989-426-2861 anytime. If I'm not home leave a message.

Grant Wilkinson
03-24-2019, 10:20 AM
@Dale: I'll be home later this morning and will call you then. I suggest, in the meantime, you edit your post to delete your phone number. Many crazies out there.