View Full Version : Work in Progress ... Opinions please ...More pics New Finial

John Spitters
01-26-2012, 8:47 PM
No finish on this piece and it is still in sections. I plan to make the finial and pedestal black and will be coloring the body (not yet sure what color though)My thoughts with this piece was to keep all the elements very simple, no embellishments I tried to let the "form speak" I think I have accomplished this ?I do want honest comments / critiques on this piece, stands 18 1/2" high to tip of finial, body of form is apx. 9" x 4" and is turned to apx. 1/16 wall thickness, even though this is a large piece it is very light and stable, elements were all based on thirds.Thanks JohnI've added some more pics to give a sense of scale to the piece, for referance the bowl measures 9" across.Turns out (pun intended) that I will need to make another finial as the one I turned last night has warped or bent and is no longer straight.John

Thomas Canfield
01-26-2012, 9:01 PM
Very delicate looking piece. It looks like an art piece that I would not want hands on with that thin stem. I hope to see the finished piece in the future.

Allen Howell
01-26-2012, 9:06 PM
Coloring might be good, but I like it like it is.

Baxter Smith
01-26-2012, 9:23 PM
A sleek looking piece John. If you are going to go with black top and bottom, your reds always look good.. but.. why not try something different. Greens, blue, some combination of the two?

Roger Chandler
01-26-2012, 9:40 PM
Great form......flowing lines..........delicate..........that is going to be one gorgeous piece when colored and finished! Super work John!

John Keeton
01-27-2012, 6:54 AM
John, like Baxter, the Carmine Red you have used in the past is nice, and would look good with the black. However, let me give my comments on the form and suggest another approach.

These comments are simply my opinion, and may not reflect the opinions of others - or, even good taste for that matter!! While you may have used thirds to scale this piece, I find that rarely works for finials. The shape of the form, the color/contrast of the elements, and the shape and weight distribution of the finial all will effect the way everything comes together. For that reason, I rarely consider the rule of thirds for a finial vs. the size of the form, etc. I do use the "rule" within the finial in most instances. With this piece, I do not think the finial works - it appears too minimal for the mass of the form. If there was "more to the finial" in the way of embellishment, that would help, but I know you are trying to carry the theme of the piece, so I would prefer a longer finial, and perhaps just a little more upward slope on the top of the form to "lift" the finial.

If the taper on the bottom of the form was a bit slimmer, that would lighten the look of the body of the form, and might help with the scale of the finial. However, it would also make the pedestal appear too long/tall.

Now, having said all of that, and realizing the piece is already complete, what about a darker body - even fading the darker tone down the pedestal just slightly, with lighter tones for the pedestal and finial? That might make the scale of the finial appear all together differently. In looking at the pedestal, it appears there may be a glue up at the base - that could be a factor on dyeing the pedestal a lighter color - just not sure about the what I am seeing.

Like I said - just my thoughts. You have done an excellent job on this one, and I like your series!! Beautiful wood, as well!

Michelle Rich
01-27-2012, 7:33 AM
I rarely answer questions like this, as pictures do bad things to proportions of a piece. my only thought is the finial. it maybe the upward slant of the photo, but the finial is very small and fades away. in person, does it appear bigger?

John Spitters
01-27-2012, 10:46 AM
Thanks John and Michelle,

As said this piece is not finished and changes can be made (to the finial) though I'll not be changing the base.
John you are right in that the pedestal is a glue-up so a lighter dye job will not work, as for the wood it is just plain Maple, I'm also not wanting to add embellishments or more detailing to the finial as that would take away from the theme.
These pics were taken last night and because of the wood being so light in color it was difficult to get a clear picture with the white background. perhaps I'll try again today with natural light.
Pics are also not really showing the true proportions of the piece, perhaps I'll need to put another object next to it to give a sense of scale.


Rich Greinert
01-27-2012, 11:55 AM
Hi John, I think this piece is coming along nicely and I know that you will not be changing the base. That being said... in my opinion if the pedestal were changed out for a taller one the piece would have a more proportional and "elegant" look.

Dick Wilson
01-27-2012, 12:11 PM
John, You didn't say what the HF was. If the grain is porous here is a thought. Black base and finial like you said. Get a black chaulk stick from you local artist store. Grind ii into powder. Mix it with white spackling compound to a black paste and hand rub the paste into the pores. After it dries use 320 grit and sand back so the only black you see is in the pores. The yellow wood, black grain, and black base and finial IMHO would be a real eye catcher.

John Keeton
01-27-2012, 1:26 PM
John, nice addition on the pics - the lighter background helps and the fruit for scale, as well. Since you are going to be turning a new finial, would you give thought to extending the base of the finial out a ways and let it feather/fade into the form so as to provide some upward lift to the finial? The base you have now picks up nicely with the curvature of the shoulder of the form, but I think part of the visual issue for me is the nearly horizontal plane of the top of the form, and the stepped edge of the finial. That seems to minimize the finial somewhat - in addition to the existing finial being small for my taste.

John Spitters
01-27-2012, 1:30 PM
Thanks John
I've also thought that perhaps I should widen the base of the finial to help it flow a bit better into the form, with maybe a bit of a deeper curve. Presently the finial measures apx. 3-1/4" in hight give or take a 1/16". How tall do you think it should be? perhaps I should make the finial 2/3 the hight of the base pedestal so around 4" + a bit

Wally Dickerman
01-27-2012, 1:55 PM
John, the new pics show the piece off much better. When I do finials and pedestals I try to use the rule of thirds. The finial 2/3 the highth of the pedestal or the other way around. You appear to be close here. I too think that if the finial base was a bit wider it would blend better with the curve of the shoulder of the vessel.

I do think that it's a very well done piece as it is. In my own turnings I seldom look at a piece I've done and say... I got that one just right... I, like many others, nit pic our own work.

John Keeton
01-27-2012, 2:22 PM
John, I think that would work well, and it is consistent with Wally's comments, as well!

John Spitters
01-27-2012, 3:33 PM
Ok I've made another finial this time it is apx. 2/3 the hight of the base. or 4 1/4" for the finial and sweetened the curve from the form into the finial.

Wally Dickerman
01-27-2012, 3:52 PM
Okay, I really like this piece. Done using the KISS principle. Very elegant.

John Spitters
01-27-2012, 3:53 PM
Thanks Wally

So should I go with this and now add color ?

Wally Dickerman
01-27-2012, 4:07 PM
Thanks Wally

So should I go with this and now add color ?

I'm not big on using color on figured wood. I did go through a stage of playing with dyes, but not lately. The finial and pedestal? Well, probably. I think that I'd have see the piece in person before I'd say yes or no...my opinion.

John Spitters
01-27-2012, 4:17 PM
Not sure why you say it's figured wood, it's actually quite plain. Maybe if I bleached the form then poly, but colored the finial and base black?
This started out as a concept piece like you said " KISS " keep it simple, I wanted to have the form speak. Now that I know it works (worked) I may do another with some " Nice wood ".

John Keeton
01-27-2012, 5:35 PM
John, actually the piece looks to have some nice curl in it! I am the exact opposite of Wally - and a few others! I love dye on figured woods.

Baxter Smith
01-27-2012, 11:52 PM
Looks good John. The flow at the top of the form is smoother with the new finial.

Roger Chandler
01-28-2012, 6:19 AM
The new finial is more proportional...........nice Job on this John...........looking forward to your showing of the finished piece.........very nice form!

John Keeton
01-28-2012, 6:24 AM
Looks much better!! Now.....what to do with the color......????

John Spitters
01-28-2012, 1:17 PM
Wife says to make it green, I have a teal that I may use, still not sure though.
