View Full Version : Skew question for ya.....

Bill White
01-25-2012, 12:06 PM
How many use a radius skew versus the traditional straight skew angle? Grinding suggestions for the radius?
Seems the radius is more forgiving. Is it?

David E Keller
01-25-2012, 12:25 PM
I use one with a slight radius most of the time, but I don't see much importance in the grind... The mass of the skew seems to be far more important than the particular grind. The thicker the steel, the easier the use for me.

As for sharpening, a little pivot on the platform is all that's needed to get the radius. The grind popularized by Eli Avisera is kind of nice as well... I think there are some YouTube videos outlining his grind.

John Keeton
01-25-2012, 12:28 PM
How many use a radius skew ...?Bill, the question should have stopped there!!:D And, the answer is NO! However, when I have to, I do prefer the radius. I recall a thread a while back that also discussed the "bullet" grind - a convex grind on the bevels. Seems to be a current trend in some circles.

Greg Just
01-25-2012, 12:52 PM
I was in a class one time with Alan Lacer and he said the only thing an oval skew is good for is planting flower bulbs! I also learned in that class how to grind my skew to the radius that Alan recommends. It works real well for me.

Dennis Ford
01-25-2012, 6:45 PM
I use a 1/2" skew with a straight grind on finials. I also have a 3/4" skew with the radius grind for larger work but often use a spindle gouge instead. I think the radius grind is more versatile.

John M. Smith
01-25-2012, 7:01 PM
I have used an oval skew in the past, but recently acquired a standard skew. Think I like the standard one better. Someday I would like to try the large Alan Lacer skew with a radius grind. It looks like it works really well in his videos.

Brian Libby
01-25-2012, 8:07 PM
I have the following skews---- Alan Lacer -5/8" and 1 1/2" (both radiused), 5/8" oval, 1/2" and 1" standard and Bob Rosand 1/4" round. Each one is used in different situation. The Skew is a very nice tool BUT it needs to be used on a regular bases. It gives you instant feedback when not used properly!!!

Harry Robinette
01-25-2012, 8:43 PM
Bill I have a Crown 1" radius skew and it's USELESS really I don't like them at all. I use a 1/2",1" and 3/8 round skew all with a straight edge.
I just started using one like John K talked about, the blade is convex instead of concave and I'm really liking it so far.

Ryan Baker
01-25-2012, 10:33 PM
I use both at times. Curved does not really give any significant advantage in terms of being easier to use ... in some cases it is probably harder. They each have their place. I usually like to use the biggest and heaviest skew that fits the job. It looks easy in the Alan Lacer videos because of Alan's skill, not because the tool makes it easier.

Bill Wyko
01-26-2012, 11:23 AM
I think SKEW stands for Should Kill Everything Wood.:eek: They do make a nice scraper though.:D