View Full Version : Holly???

John Terefenko
01-25-2012, 11:44 AM
For those that use holly in there turning projects, how do you keep that pure white color when finishing? Do you seal it with something and if so what?? What type finish do you use??? I am making a pen that has both holly and ebony. I want to keep the contrast as sharp as possible. Thanks

David E Keller
01-25-2012, 11:54 AM
I would think thin CA or lacquer would be your best bet for a sealer. I'd get as good a finish off the skew as possible then apply a few coats of thin CA. Be sure and blow off the wood before sealing and after any sanding.

Marty Eargle
01-25-2012, 12:16 PM
Like Mr. Keller said...CA and lacquer are my finishes of choice. Most of the finishes that will change color are oil based.

I made several ornaments from Holly before Christmas, sanded to 600 and sprayed with lacquer. The one I still have in my shop has yet to change color any.

John Keeton
01-25-2012, 12:25 PM
I have also used acrylic matte finish. I do not care for a gloss finish on holly, and the matte seems to do well. It also is UV resistant.

David E Keller
01-25-2012, 12:27 PM
I forgot about the acrylic spray... It is a nice finish, and it'll keep your whites white.

John Terefenko
01-25-2012, 4:13 PM
I have tried CA and it still does not leave pure white. I think I can get better. I will try Deft lacquer, waterbased lacquer, and waterbased polyacrylic. I just need to seal it white and then I will top coat with CA as I do all my wood pens.

Jim Burr
01-25-2012, 6:11 PM
I just did a few holly stoppers and a blood wood and holly pen last week...CA is the way to go, both to maintain the color of the wood, but for the finish duribility.

Deane Allinson
01-25-2012, 7:29 PM
I haven't tried it on Holly yet, (I have a piece in waiting also to use with ebony).........but Years ago I was tryin to keep Hard Maple as light as possible. I found that "Hopes" 100% tung oil changed the color the least of any of the oil type finishes. It hasn't turned darker over time either. at least in the last 20+ years.

Bill Wyko
01-26-2012, 11:31 AM
There's a link over at www.segmentedwoodturners.org (http://www.segmentedwoodturners.org) about a great supplier and the ways to keep its color. If you don't find it let me know andI'll dig it up.