View Full Version : Band saw inserts

Jim Burr
01-23-2012, 8:48 PM
A while back you guys gave some great help with my band saw, Griz 14. Now I wouldn't trade it! But (as we might expect) the insert disc sucks. I saw some inserts on Amazon that had a good review or two. Ideas and thoughts? I do a lot of small stuff, pen/stopper blanks where the insert make a difference. Also do a ton of re-sawing from square to round for turning, not sure that is makes much difference for an insert but wanted to get all the bases covered.
Again, thanks for all the help, now and then!

Van Huskey
01-24-2012, 9:28 AM
First, what do you not like about the stock version? Carter makes them to fit the saw and I have never had any issues with them, you can get others as well, although they are more or less the same knowing what you didn't like may help making a suggestion.

Neil Brooks
01-24-2012, 11:22 AM
I banged out a few DIY versions, for MY Grizz G0555X, in just a few short minutes.


Like always ... it's a "buy vs. build" decision, but ... there's nothing inherently hard about making these.