View Full Version : Glue Removal From Clamps

richard poitras
01-22-2012, 9:53 AM
I just picked up some used 4’ and 6’ foot Wilton woodworking clamps. They are used and do have some glue on them. What is the best way to get rid of the old excess glue that has built up on the steel I beams as to clean them up?
Thanks Richard


Josh Bowman
01-22-2012, 10:03 AM
You are in the wrong forum, but yellow glue will come off with vinegar.

richard poitras
01-22-2012, 10:06 AM
Josh, Thanks for the tip on the vinegar. I was posting a jig on the classifieds and mistakenly posted this here as well. Moderators please put in the woodworking power tool section

Mike Cruz
01-22-2012, 10:53 AM
I'm going to report you, Richard. This is unforgivable! :D

richard poitras
01-22-2012, 11:51 AM
Mike Guilty as charged.. Please glue me to one of my clamps and set me on fire….:eek:

Mike Cruz
01-22-2012, 12:40 PM
BTW, Richard, If you use a putty knife, I've found the glue to come off that way. Make sure you are wearing safety goggles or a face shield, though...those buggers pop off there at a fierce velocity!

Bill Huber
01-22-2012, 1:16 PM
Now after you get all that glue off, wax down the clamps with some Johnson's wax and the next time it will come off really easy.

richard poitras
01-22-2012, 6:36 PM
Thanks for the tips now all I have to do is get working on them. I picked up 4ea. 4 footers and 2ea. 6 footers for $5.00 apiece but there is a fare amount of glue on them so I will be at them for a while but for the price I could not pass them up.
And Bill they will be getting wax before the first large project that’s for sure.


Curt Harms
01-23-2012, 8:53 AM
I'd guess that if you're in a hurry a wire brush on a grinder or arbor would make pretty short work of the glue.

Jim Matthews
01-23-2012, 9:40 AM
Thanks for the tips now all I have to do is get working on them. I picked up 4ea. 4 footers and 2ea. 6 footers for $5.00 apiece but there is a fare amount of glue on them so I will be at them for a while but for the price I could not pass them up. Richard

Now you're just bragging.

I find that pulling a putty knife toward me to remove glue spatters is more effective.
If the glue doesn't pop off immediately, the putty knife just slides over. If pushing, it digs in and causes other problems.

A hot air gun (aka hair dryer) may help soften particularly reluctant remnants.

I hope you clamp yourself to a project and have to call the Fire Department the day a film crew rides along.
Around here, boat makers are buried with their clamps so no lucky buck gets them that cheap...

wpt, ma

John Coloccia
01-23-2012, 11:21 AM
I use a painters 5 in 1 for such tasks. It's got a nice thick blade that can take a beating.