View Full Version : There is a chance for world peace.......

Tom Winship
01-21-2012, 12:11 PM
Had a fellow creeker stop by last nite. Met Robert McGowen and his lovely wife Diana. Stopped for a short visit on their way to celebrate their twin sons 21st birthdays.

Now for the "....world peace" part. Robert and Diana both went to University of Texas (Aggies call that TU) and we are "died in the wool" Aggies. For those of you who are familiar with the two schools know that the rivalry dates back over 125 years.

Actually, much to my surprise, these were not bad people. They were actually very nice people. We had a good visit and exchanged some wood and they went on their way. (Maybe the 2 sons at Texas A&M have softened them up a bit.)

So, maybe all people in the State Department need to be turners and then we could all get along?

Enjoyed the visit Robert and Diana.

Bill Bulloch
01-21-2012, 12:22 PM
I'll vote for world piece. We could tell he was "nice people" without ever meeting him. Maybe we could get Robert to run for President on the Woodturners ticket.

Ron Bontz
01-21-2012, 12:43 PM
He has got my vote!

Bill Wyko
01-21-2012, 1:51 PM
Elect me for President and I'll create world peace....or is that whirlled peas.!!! Glad you all had a good time. You must have had some great turning conversations.

Ken Fitzgerald
01-21-2012, 1:52 PM
Congratulations Tom! Met that nice couple a few years ago in Pearland, TX. I agree Tom....very nice people!

David E Keller
01-21-2012, 3:02 PM
Sounds like fun, Tom! If we ever make a road trip for an Arkansas/aTm game, I'll be sure and look you up.

Tom Winship
01-21-2012, 4:02 PM
That's right, Doc. We are now rivals............again. Haven't forgiven you guys for knocking us off in the '70's when Emory Bellard was our coach and we were No. 1.
Not sure where we are playing in the future.

Robert McGowen
01-21-2012, 4:56 PM
Thanks for the kind words, Tom. We enjoyed the visit very much. We will have to stop in again, but the road does run both ways! We took your suggestion for dinner and had a great birthday dinner with the kids.

The twins are on their way for a birthday visit with their older brother and his wife, both U.T. graduates. Sorry, I mean tu grads. Hopefully, world peace will continue!

Jim Burr
01-21-2012, 6:13 PM
Crap...Fresno State is in the crapper with you folks. We head to the Mountain West this season so we'll lose to the rest of you folks! Any one from Texas is welcome in my home...Oklahoma...hmmmm...we'll see, break a leg Keller!