View Full Version : Not exactly a wood gloat, but a gloat none the less!

Nathan Hawkes
01-20-2012, 12:17 PM
Hey fellow Creekers! I've been missing you all lately--I've been doing quite a bit of studying, and trying to spend less time on line these last couple months. It appears that the studying paid off! I took my Nursing licensing exam Wednesday morning, and found out this morning that I passed!! :D:D:D I'm now Registered Nurse Nate, in addition to Nate the woodturner! Now I have a bit more relaxing time to share some of my recent turnings. I got a cheap photo tent, and hope to spend some time today taking pictures.

Cheers to all my buds!

Doug W Swanson
01-20-2012, 12:26 PM
Congrats, Nate! It's always nice to find out news like that!

Dane Fuller
01-20-2012, 12:27 PM
Congrats, Nate! Hope you get some lathe time. You've earned it.

Mike Cruz
01-20-2012, 12:48 PM
Gloats require pics, Nate. We need to see a copy of the notification of certification, the tent, and your smiling face! :D Congrats.

Hey, on another note, this thread has 4 views with 3 replies...:rolleyes:

Tony De Masi
01-20-2012, 1:06 PM
Congrats Nate. I hope you have a great career in nursing. It's one tough profession that's for sure.

Dan Forman
01-20-2012, 1:06 PM
Congrat's Nathan, way to go.


Tim Rinehart
01-20-2012, 1:08 PM
Big congrats Nate! That's a credential that you can build off of! Well done. How long have you been working towards that?

Paul Douglass
01-20-2012, 1:11 PM
Congratulations, for sure. Very honorable profession and I'm sure you will find it very rewarding.

Rich Greinert
01-20-2012, 1:12 PM
Congratulations! A big accomplishment Nate.


Baxter Smith
01-20-2012, 1:15 PM
Congrats Nate! My RN wife just retired after 35 years(though just part time for the last 23) and my daughter just passed her boards. Good luck on becoming employed! Hope you don't end up with too much turning time!

cal thelen
01-20-2012, 1:17 PM
Very nice Nate Congratultions

Jim Burr
01-20-2012, 1:17 PM
Nice work Nate!!! I'm glad you gave yourself a name...all we ever hear is "Hey...RT!" Now put it to use so you can buy more toys!!

Don Orr
01-20-2012, 2:56 PM
Congratulations Nate! Well done.

Roger Chandler
01-20-2012, 3:08 PM
Never had a doubt about you passing boards, Nate............we need more good medical professionals who actually care about the patients they serve. Congratulations and hope your career brings you much fulfillment. Are you going to work at UVa medical center or Martha Jefferson? Perhaps another venue?

charlie knighton
01-20-2012, 3:15 PM
congratulations Nate, enjoy your free time now

George Guadiane
01-20-2012, 4:38 PM

David E Keller
01-20-2012, 9:59 PM
Congrats! I hope you find the job of your dreams now!

Mark Hubl
01-20-2012, 10:24 PM
Congrats Nate. An RN's work is never done! Hard work, good luck. My 73 year old RN mother battled the snow today to get to her patient, I am sure she would be happy to hear someone else has joined the profession.

John W Dixon
01-21-2012, 1:03 AM
Congratulations Nate!

Faust M. Ruggiero
01-21-2012, 3:03 AM
There is something very special about folks who care for and comfort the sick. Best of luck with your career.

John Keeton
01-21-2012, 6:27 AM
Nate, few can do what you do - a special lot, IMO. Congrats, and I hope you have a rewarding career.

Rich Aldrich
01-21-2012, 6:55 PM
Nate - Congrats. There is a big demand for nurses. Have fun turning.

Eric Holmquist
01-21-2012, 6:59 PM
Congratulations, a good friend is in nursing school now and I appreciate how hard it is.