View Full Version : Bark on burls,

Fred LeBail
03-16-2005, 6:49 AM
How are you guys getting the bark and fibre out of the inclusions and valleys of burls when you leave some natural edge as happens with smaller burls?
Picking and scrapping?
Must be a less harmful way.
Thanks. Fred

Bill Grumbine
03-16-2005, 8:28 AM
Hi Fred

Less harmful? To what - the burl, your hands, your blood pressure? ;) Picking, scraping, occasional profane utterances all are time honored and often the only way to get this stuff free of bark. I've even tried using a fine steel rotary brush in a Dremel to get rid of some stuff, but hand work is often the only way.

<img src="http://www.enter.net/~ultradad/blacklocustburl02.jpg">

I spent hours picking bark bits out of the hundreds of tiny points on this locust burl. You want to talk about serious hand cramping? I was using a dental pick given to me by a dentist friend of mine, and all I can say is, I am glad I am not a dentist! A larger handle would have made a huge difference.

Some people hose these things down with a pressure washer, but unless it is huge or anchored down somehow, it is going to be shot across the field like a soccer ball.

Good luck with it. It is usually worth the effort.


Fred LeBail
03-17-2005, 7:16 AM
Hi Bill,

I was afraid that was going to be your answer. Oh well, back to the pickin' .
I thought that if there were a better way somebody here would know of it.
Thanks for the encouraging words.