View Full Version : BLO Help

John Stan
01-19-2012, 5:35 PM
In some areas of my project the BLO was applied too thick. Hence, it is shiny there. Is there a way to remove or thin out the BLO. Under the BLO is a waterbased dye. Would Mineral Spirits work?


Todd Burch
01-19-2012, 6:40 PM
Probably. Put some dye on scrap, then BLO, then test.

Scott Holmes
01-19-2012, 11:22 PM
Too thick, as in it left a film? Either way sand or scrape it off. You want the BLO in the wood not on the wood.

Best techniques to pop the grain with BLO are:
1. flood it on let is soak in a while (10-30 mins) then wipe it dry.
2. wipe it on "wet" and keep wiping until it's dry. (My normal MO).

Howard Acheson
01-20-2012, 12:10 PM
What is your project?

Rubbing with mineral spirits applied with 4/0 steel wool followed by thoroughly wiping off the resulting gunk should work. Use lots of paper towels and wipe dry.

Why are you using BLO? It's not really a "finish", it's more of a colorant and/or grain figure enhancer.

The two steps in Scott's response is the process to follow when applying BLO.

John Stan
01-20-2012, 10:48 PM
I was using BLO after the dye and before the shellac. The BLO was to pop the grain. I will give the Mineral sprits and steel wool a try.
