View Full Version : southwest style bowl update

Mike Tilley
01-18-2012, 6:02 PM
Here are a few more pictures hope they give you a better idea of what it looks like.

Bill there is another ring under the platter for support a solid piece of walnut.

Robert awhile back someone told me if you glue the end grain to narrow strips there is less chance of glue failure so thought i'd give it a try so far so good.

Again all comments welcome

Michelle Rich
01-19-2012, 6:27 AM
thanks for the improved picture. is it an optical illusion that the platter seems to dip at the center? Nice work on your "Hybrid " segmented bowl.

Mike Tilley
01-19-2012, 6:38 AM
Michelle it is no optical illusion it does have a taper for the bowl to sit in