View Full Version : My Grandfather's Stanley #3

John Weber
03-15-2005, 7:09 PM
Hey guys, as some of you may have noticed I’ve sold off a lot of my older and other planes, never fear, I’ve replaced them with plenty of new iron. I did keep one. Several years ago my Dad gave me my Grandfathers Stanley number 3 – it got me started on number 3’s, but that is another story. Anyway, I believe it is a war time type 17. I’ve left it as is for many years, but recently decided it deserved to be a user. So I cleaned it up a bit, nothing like a complete overhaul Terry does, but a general spit shine and polish. I stripped the knob and tote, hoping for rosewood, but the grain differed in both pieces and the tote was very nondescript. At first I thought I would get a set of replacement pieces, but then thought I should stick with the originals. I thought of paint, but didn’t think that would give me the feel I like, so I experimented with an ink dye and then finished with a satin clear spray topcoat – they feel wonderful. The rest of the plane cleaned up fairly easy. The sides and bottom polished fairly nice, although I should do a little more work to really bring up the shine. The bed had a light over spray mist and that easily came off with a little mineral spirits and steel wool and left a shiny original finish. Cap lever, frog and other hardware all cleaned up nicely. So here it is, my Grandfathers #3, I hope he wouldn’t mind a few changes (like a new Lie-Nielsen A-2 iron). It should be a good user and be ready for my Grandchildren. I do have one problem with it though, one of the frog screws is striped, any thoughts on repair? I assume there are several options, but not sure what people have had success with in the past. Thanks for looking.


Here are the before pics:



And the after pics:



Roy Wall
03-15-2005, 7:52 PM
Looks very good John!!!

Nothing better than keeping things in the family--well done!!

Jim Becker
03-15-2005, 9:54 PM
Oooooh...that's ones purdy!! Great "clean-up" job, John. I'm sure you'll enjoy using it every time you pick it up, too, especially given how it came to you!

Mark Singer
03-15-2005, 10:10 PM
Great job! I have a few of my dad's and really treasure them!

Tyler Howell
03-15-2005, 10:21 PM
Now that's a #3. Cleaned up real nice there John. I'm kinda partial to those hand me downs:cool:

Terry Hatfield
03-15-2005, 10:26 PM

Looks over cleaned to me...LOL.....inside joke just for John. :D

You really did a fine job on the #3. I was extremely excited when my Mother told me that she had found an old plane that was my Grandfather's. Excitement turned to heartbreak when I saw the mouth was badly broken. I have it on the shelf anyway. I'll keep it forever even though it would be nice to be able to use it.

Enjoy the plane my friend.


Dennis McDonaugh
03-15-2005, 10:50 PM
John, nice looking plane. Is the screw stripped or are the threads in the bed stripped? If its the screw, you can order a new one from stanley. I have the link if you need it. If the threads are stripped, you can repair them with a helicoil. They should have a size that will fit in your local automotive parts store.

John Weber
03-16-2005, 9:30 AM
Thanks guys, my Grandfather was a woodworker by necessity. He was a minister with six children, so money was always an issue. He often had to fix/repair/make want they had and used. I always remember he had a shop and it was full of stuff. Mostly bits of hardware, a little wood stash, maybe a couple projects long left behind. I don’t ever recall and stationary equipment, but my Dad has a couple old portable power tools. My Grandfather might not have had a lot of equipment, but he did buy quality as best he could. I also have a workbench he made. It’s simple pine and not fancy, but nice and heavy. I’m glad that found it’s way to me as well (being the first born grandson helped a bit with the hand me downs).

Dennis, I swapped screws and it appears to be the screw. I’ve already got a couple lines on a replacement so I should be good to go – Thanks.

Terry, he definitively lets you know what he thinks. Oh well, and Thanks. I guess if I get a mint number 1 I better not touch it. :D

Now back to sharpening…


Terry Hatfield
03-16-2005, 10:09 AM

Yup, the proverbial grain of salt is needed with him. :D

Let me know if I need to send you a frog screw.


Louis Bois
03-16-2005, 11:14 AM
Terry, John....I sure hope you guys aren't talking about me?!?:eek::eek::eek:

John Weber
03-16-2005, 1:18 PM
Louis, No, that guy on another forum.

Terry, Burce thinks his screw might be a bit different, so I'll hit you up for one if that is ok. I'll zip you a PM

Thanks - John

Steve Clardy
03-16-2005, 3:08 PM
Hey thats a nice job John. The memories make it even better.
This stuff is getting plane addictive. Hatfield has got me going on them now. Lol