View Full Version : Creeker's Weekend Accomplishments.....

Dennis Peacock
01-16-2012, 10:02 AM
16 Jan 2012

Good Morning Everyone,
The LOML and I went away for the weekend to a leadership training course for me because I was elected president of our local CMA motorcycle group. I always could use some leadership training and was happy to get to go to this. It was good. Got to meet up with several others (and some woodworkers too) and talked over many things along the way and got to see some of the state that we've never seen before. Beautiful. Just beautiful. I'm sure we will venture back that way again soon and I'll take pics on the trip and post a few here for ya.

Needless to say, no woodworking for me from this past weekend. So, what did YOU do this past weekend?

Best of weeks to you all.

Matt Meiser
01-16-2012, 11:26 AM
I spent most of my free time over the weekend working on my new to me Unisaw. Got all torn down, cleaned, sanded and mostly primed. Just a little more priming and I'll be ready to start painting.

Mike Wilkins
01-16-2012, 11:53 AM
Working on the picture frame on the latest cover of Fine Woodworking magazine. Making mine out of mahogany instead of Cherry. Glue up this evening; making ebony pegs after. Will post pics as soon as I get this picture posting thing figured out.

James Baker SD
01-16-2012, 12:41 PM
hardly an accomplishment to brag about, but I broke the middle toe on my right foot. Dropped a heavy board with a nice square cut on the edge and the warhead (corner) went right for my toe like a laser guided bomb. Really dumb, no more Birkenstocks in the woodshop.


Dave Wagner
01-16-2012, 12:47 PM
Just finished up putting the glass in the 2 picture frames I made. Need to finish a 3rd one. I tried the Splines in the corners, I made a jig for my table saw. Works pretty good. It was just too dang cold here in WNY. We were down to -7 Degrees Sat. Night/Sunday Morning!!! The garage/shop was only about 30 degrees. The little heater I have just didn't cut it. So, nothing else go done outside. Need to go check out some rough cut a friend has for sale maybe next weekend.

Van Huskey
01-16-2012, 6:50 PM
Most of the weekend was filled with football but I did get some painting touchups done around the house.

Ruhi Arslan
01-16-2012, 6:58 PM
Finished the bench I've been working on for several months... Posted some photos on the Projects section.

David Hostetler
01-16-2012, 11:22 PM
Hand carved / reduced the diameter of a closet rod to create a custom flagpole for my oversize American flag. Repainted the lighted Texas star Christmas ornament, tore down almost all of our Christmas decor except for one very large bear holding a sled welcome sign, Just haven't gotten there yet. Finished the trim in the main bathroom and painted the the new custom door jam. I haven't mentioned it here, but my bathroom door jam was badly damaged by a former roomates dog, the molding profiles are no longer available off the shelf, so the new moldings were all made in my shop out of cut down 2x SYP stock. Spent some time designing a new cabinet to mount to my drill press base to hold my hand held power drills, and house my drilling accessories. I've got a LOT more to do and it seems like I have more projects to do as each project gets done, but it's all good!

Jerome Hanby
01-17-2012, 9:32 AM
Drove a little north of Trussville to visit the Red Oak saw mill. Guy has some really nice cherry (he sent me home with a sample for my wife to check out) and some pretty nice red and white oak. I bought several wide white oak planks, will probably use them to rebuild a couple of wroght iron frame garden benches. While he doesn't do any specialized cutting (like quarter sawing) he did have several nice slabs cut from near the center of the log that were showing a nice ray fleck pattern. The best looking ones were red oak, so I'm going to pick up a small board from the borg and play with some finishes. If i can work out a schedule I like, I'm going to calculate my material needs for a Morris chair and maybe a couple of end tables and head back for some of those slabs.

I might could beat the price by a few cents a board foot if I were willing to drive to Atlanta, but no way could I haul enough home to come close to breaking even on the gas.

Was fun to see the guys band saw mill and all his stickered lumber. His wife was working on a rustic dining table while I was there and they both showed me around their house to see some of their projects. Nice folks and I was glad to spend my meager funds with them rather than some impersonal store. You can Google them, if you are in the greater (Okay, maybe not so great <g>) Birmingham, AL area, they are worth a visit.

Terry Hatfield
01-17-2012, 9:52 AM
I managed to log onto the Creek for the first time in ages. :D

Jim Becker
01-17-2012, 10:00 PM
Well, a couple of rides on Nellie, including my regular lesson, using the big orange power tool to load some "firewood on the hoof" into Creeker Fred Voorhees' truck and...getting started on a new tack trunk commission were the weekend highlights. Yes, I spent time in the shop. :) Oh, that shop time included moving a bunch of surplus construction materials upstairs to make room for working and also unloading every stick of black walnut out of my rack to do some material selection for the trim that will go on said trunk. I did get the chosen material cut down, jointed flat and started on thicknessing the blanks that will in turn, be re-sawn and planed to create 1/4" thick material for the trim overlays I use. I stopped when the bin under the cyclone was full since it was dark and nasty outside...and it was time to get cleaned up for dinner. :) This new trunk will be QSWO field with black walnut trim, similar to another one I built about a year ago. I love this combination...