View Full Version : Weekend doin's?

Bob Lasley
04-25-2003, 9:11 AM
Greetings all,

Well, here it is Friday already. What've you got planned for the weekend?

I have some more finishing work to sneak in among the gardening chores. Tomorrow morning, LOML and I are visiting a plant and herb festival in nearby Sand Springs and then, of course, we'll have to spend the afternoon planting what we bring home.

I also hope to pickup lumber for new grandson's crib this weekend as I must get started on it very, very soon.

Have a great weekend all!

Steve Clardy
04-25-2003, 10:04 AM
so I can get a much needed check.
Burning more brush on the property is out due to the much needed rain, and mowing grass is out [gloat].
I'm sure there are some other projects around here also.:D

Scott Coffelt
04-25-2003, 10:13 AM
Hoping to get some time in removing the 4" HVAC pipe and fittings used for my DC. Working towards a rebuild with 6". Why o Why did I put all those pop rivets in....?

Also hopping to get a 18' high wall painted with an accent color in the foyer.

Since the shop is a total mess with the conversion to the new cyclone (all my lumber is removed from storage and the removal of DC pipe and 70ft of spiral pipe laying on the floor) not much real wood working getting done for a few weeks.

Dr. Zack Jennings
04-25-2003, 10:18 AM
Going to the Wild Hawg Music Fest in Helena, Arkansas. It's a Motorcycle rally with lot's of bad to the bone Harleys in my hometown. It's a 150 mile trip but that is a long one for me. (Yes, I'm a sissy, yuppie, RUB).... [RUB= Rich Urban Biker]. I will get a good chance to visit with family and shock the prudes with my tattoos and ear ring. (Always the trouble maker).

I will get a little shop time in this morning.


keith zimmerman
04-25-2003, 12:13 PM
On my to do list this weekend is the following:

Finish rough turning a cherry bowl I started last weekend
Cut and seal a bunch more blanks
Build a sawbuck for the shop and for the field
Build a shapening jig for my turning tools
Finish putting together a shop-built screw chuck.

Then, on Sunday, I have to finish mowing my North yard.

We'll see what actually gets done.


Tom Sweeney
04-25-2003, 12:44 PM
I took off work today because - - drum roll please. . . . I sold & am settling a rental property, that has been the bain of my existance for several years, at 2:00 today YIPPPPEEEEE!!!!!

LOML Ok'd a new lunchbox planer with some of the proceeds, as payback for all the agravation this thing has caused me :-)Leaning towards the Delta 2 speed but probably won't buy it just yet.

Saturday is Church work day - where we go around & fix anything that needs it & do some maintenance type stuff - unless it rains like it's supposed to then I might try to finish the cutting board I've been working on.

Sunday is Church & we might try to visit the Phila. Museum of Art. There is a Degas exhibit with ballerina paintings that LOML & LOML jr. want to see.

LIFE IS GOOD! - Have fun & be safe!

Phil Phelps
04-25-2003, 8:09 PM
...I seem to remember something about them. Has something to do with leisure time. Gonna' check it out.

Jim Baker
04-25-2003, 9:54 PM
Probably not much shop time for me. Tomorrow, I'm going to challege the record for greatest number of lost golf balls lost in a 4 hour period.

Sunday, We travel to a 40th birthday party for BIL. I guess I had better not say too much. Mine is just a few years away.

If I do get in the shop, it will be sanding painting, and staining (Not exactly my favorite things)

Jeff Cybulski
04-25-2003, 10:32 PM
Time to get the maters and peppers in. Also have to plant 7 flats of flowers that SWMBO bought today.
Probably get a little shop time on Sunday.

Work Safe!


Dan McGuire
04-26-2003, 8:37 AM
This weekend will be spent like every other weekend I have had since thanksgiving; working on finishing the basement. Saturday I will work on hanging the sheetrock in the bathroom, hopefully on sunday I will have some time after church to throw up a coat of mud. I've been up against the clock to get this project started and finished since the LOML turned up pregnant last fall. I told her if she would have let me get that bandsaw, this would have never of happened. :) Actually I am looking forward to the new arrival and the project of finishing the basement has made the time pass very quickly.


Bill Esposito
04-26-2003, 8:48 AM
Here's my list for saturday.

1. Go to the dump
2. Go to the mill and pick up some cherry for the sofa table
3. Go to Woodworkers Warehouse and pick up my new lathe and get it in the shop before the wife comes home.
4. Work on the electronics of my tractor and get it to start. Heck, in another month it'll probably be warm enough to cut the grass. :)

Jason Roehl
04-26-2003, 9:09 AM
Gonna play with the chainsaws a little more...they should be pretty close to "up and running." I may stihl have to take the carb off my Stihl and soak it, we'll see if a new plug works first. I think the bar studs are good to go on my Poulan after I pulled them, re-tapped their holes and JBWelded them in place. They've been curing for over a week. (Note to self: next time don't tighten the bar nuts so hard.) Now to work on all the chains for these two saws...(somewhere around 6 total, I think).

Next on the list then is working on a bookshelf started last summer. LOML said I can't get any lathe tools until I get that done. Drat....I want to turn NOW!

Oh, yeah, supposed to go to a local observatory tonight to take a gander at Saturn with the little ones.