View Full Version : The equivalent to lifts for shoes (Seinfeld ref.)

Jamie Schmitz
01-14-2012, 10:03 PM
So I am vertically challenged at 5'5" and while operating my table saw I really felt like this was a safety issue. To top it off my upper torso (arms mostly) is really short in length. For me the answer was simple, build a platform. What I did was pour an 8" high slab 24" square,man what a difference I truly feel much safer not having to lean off balance above the blade. I have not had to cut a sheet where I will have to step up once I near the table but I think I should be fine. Anyone else have this problem?

ray hampton
01-14-2012, 10:31 PM
they want pictures or it never happen, good luck with the plywood

Van Huskey
01-14-2012, 10:38 PM
I have helped a guy with the same issue. We cut and dug out the slab, repoured it and dropped the saw 5 in.

If it works for you great but it seems long ripping and sheetgoods might get hairy.

Greg Urwiller
01-14-2012, 10:40 PM
Ha, I've got you by an inch! Well....maybe. OK, probably not. My General tablesaw is sitting at approx. 34 1/2" off the floor. That seems to fit me pretty well, so I made everything else just less than that height. I have two rolling cabinets slightly shorter so I can use them as outfeed/side tables for the saw. I just got my cabinets done and made them so the bench top is just a little shorter so if I need I can use them for outfeed purposes too. So far, nothing I've got seems to bother. Probably too short for some people, but works for me. Unfortunately I'm at the age when I seem be getting shorter....everywhere! Greg