View Full Version : First Bowl from my maple score

Chris Studley
01-14-2012, 8:52 PM
This is the first bowl that I made from the maple tree that came down this week.

It is only the second time I have turn something Green (or third, if you count the one that broke on me this morning). It's also the first bowl with my new bowl gouge.

The wood cut so nicely but I found that it removed a lot more material than I'm used to. It took a lot of getting used to. I needed a lot of sanding.

The bowl is ~4" diameter ~2" tall, 3/16" think, thicker at bottom. By the time I got this thing smooth it was relatively dry. I will rough turn some pieces to dry

219817 219818 219819 219821219822219823

Pictures came out pretty bad. I need to work on that.

C&C appreciated. Green turning pointers welcome.

Lee Koepke
01-14-2012, 9:05 PM
thats some nice maple. looking forward to the rest, I bet

charlie knighton
01-14-2012, 9:33 PM
very nice, i like the clear finish

Chris Studley
01-14-2012, 10:40 PM

It was a challenge.

Baxter Smith
01-14-2012, 11:16 PM
Green is fun though it can be a little wet! Nice looking bowl with the contrast between light and dark!

Dan Forman
01-15-2012, 3:07 AM
Nice job, a lot going on in the bottom of that one.


John Keeton
01-15-2012, 7:20 AM
Nice work, Chris. Looks like an imbedded limb in that one - great color.

Chris Studley
01-15-2012, 10:30 AM
@dan- there is a lot of figuring that doesn't even reply show b/c of poor poor picture.

@john- yep imbedded limb. I have a few more that are similar. There was more cool things going on butsince it was green, the gouge removes so much more material than I'm used to I lost a bunch of it. more practice today.

Scott Hackler
01-15-2012, 10:36 AM
Nice job Chris. I like the limb inclusion. That adds character to the bowl.

Michael Menzli
01-15-2012, 10:43 AM
Looks great...Ive found with photos lighting makes a big deal. I def. recommend the frugal setup posted on here. What kind of gouge are you using?

Chris Studley
01-15-2012, 7:58 PM
Thanks all, for the input...

@ Michael, 3/8" Sorby Soveriegn BG with a homemade Handle. (as an Aside I used Jatoba for the handle, which I highly recommend, very dense and heavy)