View Full Version : Spalted Beech: Core #2

Baxter Smith
01-13-2012, 10:56 PM
Since everyone likes pictures, here are some for today.:)
A little over 18 wide but not as deep as the set posted yesterday. There was some ring shake that had to be turned away to avoid leaving any cracks in the rim. Wet sanded again with walnut oil. With one end solid and the other on the punky side, I don't know how well these will survive the stresses of drying. Only one way to find out.

Thoughts and suggestions are always welcome.

mike ash
01-13-2012, 11:15 PM
Baxter - You are getting this coring thing figured out! It appears that these are now turned to final thickness?? I'd be interested to know how they fare in the curing process.

These are going to be fantastic.

Dan Forman
01-14-2012, 3:11 AM
Those are fabulous, especially the smallest one that has the most figure. I'd be tempted to get a large platter out of the middle of one of those logs, that way you could get a large piece with all of the figure in it, and still get at least one good sized bowl as well. That, or take a natural edge bowl that would leave maximum figure on the bottom.


Michelle Rich
01-14-2012, 7:58 AM
golly they are pretty. What amazing wood. I have my fingers crossed for the drying.

Brian Libby
01-14-2012, 8:19 AM
That sure is some nice wood!!

Hayes Rutherford
01-14-2012, 8:23 AM
Very attractive bowls and not much waste!!

Bernie Weishapl
01-14-2012, 10:42 AM
Really nice set of bowls Baxter. Amazing wood.

Baxter Smith
01-14-2012, 8:51 PM
Thanks for your feedback!

........ It appears that these are now turned to final thickness? ......
Mike, they are turned to final thickness. They are 7/16 or less at the rim then taper down to about 5/16.

.......That, or take a natural edge bowl that would leave maximum figure on the bottom.

Good idea Dan. I will give that a shot on one of the smaller pieces. An 18" NE is too intimidating for me to contemplate.;):)

.... not much waste!!
Thanks Hayes. Coring systems are great in that regard. But if you are referring to the amount of shavings on the floor in picture 2, I had just shoveled out! Had to clean up for pictures.;):D

charlie knighton
01-14-2012, 8:56 PM
very nice Baxter, thanks for the pictures, needed something for saturday night