View Full Version : Cut#4 and new (old)saw gloat

Hayes Rutherford
01-12-2012, 5:40 PM
Cut #3 is all roughed out and the yield was about 40 pcs. so it was on to cut #4. I recently acquired a new to me but old Stihl 048. It was to hard for the owner to start and he wanted a smaller saw. I couldn't resist setting it up with a 37" bar someone gave me and even though it was shorter than the log diameter it made the cut easy and more accurate than previous cuts. I then put the original bar back on to make all the rip cuts(about a 25") I also received a 36" bar that is for Husquavarna that I have no use for(.063) if anyone is interested.

The bar was a little rusty but had very little wear. The saw, although no longer made, is built like a tank and should have lots of life left.
The paint on the saw and bar is hardly wore and it must be about 25 years old.

Thanks for looking and stay tuned for cut 5 and 6 which should give me three more rounds out of this log.
C&C always welcome.

Bill Bolen
01-12-2012, 5:45 PM
Bib log+Big saw=Big smiles. Can't wait to see what becomes of #4.

Steve Schlumpf
01-12-2012, 5:55 PM
Well... it looks like you are getting into MAN size chains!! Wish I could use a 36" but my little saw can't handle that much steel! Looking forward to the next cut!

John Keeton
01-12-2012, 6:17 PM
Hayes, where you putting all of these roughouts????? Storage would have to become an issue at some point, I would think.

Donny Lawson
01-12-2012, 6:29 PM
Looks like alot of cutting and sealing to me, but some nice looking wood.

Jack Mincey
01-12-2012, 6:43 PM
The New Old saw looks great and if the wood is anything like the silver maple I've been turning on for a couple years it is great wood. I sent you a PM about the Husky bar. It could help me on some of the bigger logs I get from time to time.

allen thunem
01-12-2012, 6:43 PM
any chance you will be making a trip to colorado any time soon?:):D

Allan Ferguson
01-12-2012, 6:47 PM
That is definitely a large log.

charlie knighton
01-12-2012, 7:33 PM
Hayes, both are whoppers

Baxter Smith
01-12-2012, 8:06 PM
Heck of a saw and heck of a log Hayes. Kind of makes me glad I only have a 250 and an 18" bar. Keeps me out of trouble that way.;)

David E Keller
01-12-2012, 10:22 PM
Man, I've had log envy for weeks now... You just had to go and give me saw envy! My crappy little Poulon gets the job done, but it would rightfully commit saw suicide if I pointed it at something like that.

Mark Hubl
01-12-2012, 11:16 PM
Man you are having your way with that log. Really nice stuff so far! I have been saw shopping lately and that biggun' is one scary piece. Don't know if I am more envious of the saw or the wood. Carry on!

Kathy Marshall
01-12-2012, 11:35 PM
I'm just thinking how good my woodpile would look with a big ole log like that sitting in front of it!
Lots of work cutting and sealing, but you'll be set for blanks for a long time! Looking forward to seeing some finished pieces.

Dan Forman
01-12-2012, 11:37 PM
Congrats on the new saw, that'll show that big ol' log a thing or two! :).


Bernie Weishapl
01-13-2012, 12:12 AM
Hayes I don't forsee you running out of wood forever. Dang that is a lot of turning wood.

Hayes Rutherford
01-13-2012, 12:37 AM
Hayes, where you putting all of these roughouts????? Storage would have to become an issue at some point, I would think.[/QUOTE

John, eventually they end up in a drying room above a garage, but only after some detours. It's pretty nice for wood, I used to live there!!

[QUOTE=allen thunem;1850032]any chance you will be making a trip to colorado any time soon?:):D

Allen, in my pictures you can see snow. Isn't that what Colorado has?? I'm thinking Hawaii!!

I'm just thinking how good my woodpile would look with a big ole log like that sitting in front of it!
Lots of work cutting and sealing, but you'll be set for blanks for a long time! Looking forward to seeing some finished pieces.
Kathy, I don't seal anything but I am able to control the drying rate with good results. Hope to produce some finished work when this log is done!!

Rich Greinert
01-13-2012, 1:00 AM
Hayes I don't forsee you running out of wood forever. Dang that is a lot of turning wood.

I agree with Bernie!