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View Full Version : FCC information for importing laser to US

Eric Ucci
01-12-2012, 12:58 PM
I'm ordering 2 machines from Shenhui laser
-SH-690 60w
-SH-1490 150w Reci

All seems to be in order, however, they are supposed to ship Jan 15 and my shipper is asking for "FCC Information"
I've searched online and I see an FCC 440 form. My shipper is being rather imprecise about his request and Beata (my contact at Shenhui) does not have the information.
Perhaps some of you who have imported into the US have experience with this.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you

Dan Hintz
01-12-2012, 1:14 PM
FDA info?...

matthew knott
01-12-2012, 1:50 PM
One of my old jobs whilst working for a laser manufacturer was keeping on top of the paperwork need to export the machines to the US of A, i suspect what they need is the CDHR filling for the machine. Your machine doest not intentionally emit radio waves (probably does emit but not on purpose) and is therefore excempt form FCC so there is no information other than N/A
link to the FCC(Federal Communications Commission) http://www.sensorcentral.com/worldsupport/standards03.php

If Shenhui laser havent done their CDRH filling and got approval letter back technically in cant be imported! But its very unusual for it to get picked up by the shipper or customs, even though we always did the paperwork we where never asked for it and that was shipping 100+ lasers a year into the states, so hopefully shenhui have done it or its not going to be asked for.
Heres a link for CDRH http://www.lasercompliance.com/us-regs.htm

To cut a long story short just say FCC does not apply and leave it at that, dont say "is it CDRH you want ?"becasue it could open a can of worms!

Eric Ucci
01-12-2012, 4:12 PM
Upon further investigation, it appears that the form I need is a "FCC-form-740" due to the lcd display on the machine.
I can feel safe now knowing that someone is keeping track of all the lcd displays entering our ports. Just think of the chaos if they fell into the wrong hands?

George M. Perzel
01-13-2012, 7:22 AM
Hi Eric;
I know it is an inconvenience but its important that our government has an extensive system established to keep track of all LCD displays as it is alleged that faulty LCD displays are the chief cause of the population decline of the variegated three-toed eastern Malawi firefly-these little critters get frustrated trying to mate with the pixels emitted from defective displays.Every night, before my head hits the pillow, I give thanks that our government has the foresight to monitor this dangerous situation and protect us from the disastrous consequences of defective LCD display importation.
This year I'm voting for Nixon-he's tanned, he's rested, he's ready!
Best Regards,

Dan Hintz
01-13-2012, 8:39 AM
Yeah, don't even get me started on the plight of the poor Nauga...

Chuck Stone
01-13-2012, 10:29 AM
Yeah, don't even get me started on the plight of the poor Nauga...

Yeah.. I was reading about them. They raise them in little cages that make
a shoebox look big. And when they get big enough, they club them over
the head with a baby seal. Disgusting.

Richard Rumancik
01-13-2012, 12:48 PM
. . . Your machine doest not intentionally emit radio waves (probably does emit but not on purpose) and is therefore excempt form FCC . . .

. . . To cut a long story short just say FCC does not apply and leave it at that . . .

Perhaps you have misinterpreted what FCC regulations are all about . . . every piece of electronics I have quotes an FCC ID number or FCC compliance - even the keyboard and mouse I am using. One reason for the need for FCC compliance is precisely because electronics emit "radio waves" (EMI) unintentionally. That fact that they don't do it on purpose certainly does not make it exempt, it actually makes the manufacturer more liable. I don't think anyone would be very happy if the laser interferred with the computer or cell phone or wireless network or any other electronics in the shop. The purpose of compliance is to ensure that everything plays well together.

I don't know why they isolated the LCD Display in the message unless that was just a "clue" to them that there is embedded electronics in the box. The entire machine needs to be compliant.

The responsibility for laser safety and labelling was given to CDRH, safety compliance in NA is covered UL, CSA, TUV, CE etc. All these organizations perform valid functions.

Dan Hintz
01-13-2012, 1:06 PM
I don't know why they isolated the LCD Display in the message unless that was just a "clue" to them that there is embedded electronics in the box.
They were likely thinking "Samsung 24 inch color LCD display", not "4 inch monochrome LCD"... the former will put out a lot more radiation, has to work to more stringent requirements (class B since it's often used at home, versus class A for the smaller LCD if used in industrial equipment), and there's more worry about price fixing and market flooding for PC and TV equipment (not an FCC concern, but it's easier to slide all of those checks in under an FCC check).

Mark Ross
01-18-2012, 10:50 AM
It comes down to this anymore...everything radiates, it might not be intentional but everything radiates. An intentional radiator is a cell phone, remote garage door opener etc. Unintention radiators include everything with any osciallator running over something like 100Khz anymore because the FCC makes the go out to the 10th? 30th? harmonic now? Anyhow, look at your small wall warts for your cell phone charge. FCC listed. Same with darn near every piece of electronics nowadays.

George M. Perzel
01-19-2012, 8:45 AM
Hi Gang;
Common sense is dead in this country and was killed by the liberal interpretation of a myriad of regulations by public service bureaucrats trying to expand their empires- FCC, FDA, CDRH, UL, CSA, TUV, CE etc.-all have compliance regs related to lasers?? Requiring a certificate of compliance for a small LCD display borders on the absurd. I was faced with this when I imported my laser from Shenhui-checked a box saying item would not be resold and never heard about it again. I also had to provide a certificate of origin for the bearings used in the machine-who really cares and why???
Reminds me of the small Texas company that was forced to shut down because a possibly toxic red dye was used in their products which could poison anyone or anything who ate it-what were they making?- RAT Poison!!!

Dan Hintz
01-19-2012, 10:01 AM

I think you're missing the bigger picture as to why all of those requirements are put into place. While I'll concede that some are just fallout from bureaucratic malaise from some ill-defined "problem", many are there for very good reason. As I stated earlier, the FCC is concerned about unintentional radiators, the FDA is concerned about equipment that might be intended for use manufacturing/processing consumables, as well as radiation (i.e., laser) emitters, UL is concerned about fire/shock hazards from countries who don't really have our sense of safety, etc. etc. etc. The keyword is "LCD", which sends a bunch of red flags... how are those guys supposed to immediately know it's a tiny LCD, not a television-sized unit?

Mike Null
01-19-2012, 10:24 AM
This is not a political forum. If you wish to express your political viewpoints do it elsewhere.