View Full Version : Holz Jointer Quality?

Keith Avery
01-11-2012, 10:48 PM
I have been looking for a larger jointer and found a used 12" Holz jointer. It looks to be in decent shape but I am unfamiliar with the manufaturer? I know there is a German maker Holz-her that makes some stuff but not sure this is the same company. Does anyone have experience with this manufacturer, especially their 12" jointers. Are they still in business? Parts available? Country of Origin? Thanks for the help.

J.R. Rutter
01-12-2012, 10:06 AM
I *think* that Griggio made the Holz jointers. There is not much that should need replacing unless a casting is broken. Guards and such should be available. Not sure about fences.

Keith Avery
01-12-2012, 9:27 PM
I have found little additional info. I found a Holz bandsaw listed on the bay, that shows country of origin Italy. I also found a picture of a 8" Holz jointer listing Taiwan and I have found several threads suggesting Holz stuff was made by Griggio and that they are good quality. Hate to drive an hour to find out this is an old Taiwan machine. I think the newer stuff from Taiwan has really improved but am a little leary of something made 20 years ago there.

Jerome Hanby
01-12-2012, 9:40 PM
On the other hand, a jointer is such a simple device....

David Kumm
01-13-2012, 12:22 AM
Consider it a couple of hours spent in educating yourself and look at it. You will learn about the machine and with a straightedge, a dial indicator, and some feeler gauges you will take most of the risk out of jointer buying. Your ears will tell you about the bearings and your eyes about the condition. Time well spent. Dave

Rick Fisher
01-13-2012, 2:03 AM
I have a Griggio Jointer.. The designs have not changed in years. Go to the Griggio website and have a look.

Short of being in a fire or left in the rain for a winter, not sure how mine could be harmed. Its built like a tank.