View Full Version : Weeks worth of junk

Jim Burr
01-11-2012, 12:32 PM
After a week of work imposed exile:mad: I finally got busy with some stuff.
First is a 5" BLM platter from a cut-off Keller sent me in a huge box...some of the stuff you guys toss just kills me!! 1/8", 4 coats of Tung oil finish and 1 coat of WOP. My first attempt at anything NE. Next are some stoppers ordered by the gallery, I really only like the "Tree" shape, but the were specific. Spalted hackberry glued with bloodwood...I am never sanding that mess again:mad:!! Curly maple from my friend Jim Delaney, dyed red. I really don't like the shape, but that's what the drawing showed:rolleyes: I got a box of wood from a good friend in Canada, Mack Cameron with some of the most beautiful and white burl I have seen. Elegant Beauty Black Ti and 10 coat CA finish. Our pastor is a huge Packer fan and we had an arrangement that if the beat my Raiders...well...black gold Jr Gent polished to 12k MM and Hutts. Wasn't sure if I posted the last one, last of Mike Smiths holly with a CSUSA popouri lid finished with Mylands. I think Mike is gone or something...trying for 3 weeks to get some wood and nuthin' :confused:
C&C always used on the next ones...thanks for looking!

Hayes Rutherford
01-11-2012, 12:51 PM
All great stuff Jim, my favorite is the BLM platter.

Tim Rinehart
01-11-2012, 12:56 PM
All cool stuff...and I'm with Hayes on the platter. I like doing NE stuff that doesn't fit in the same mold of typical NE bowls. Just take hunk of wood that has no saw marks, chuck it up and turn a bowl or platter from it. The more irregular, the better.
Nice work on all.

David E Keller
01-11-2012, 1:02 PM
Glad you found a use for some of that crap, Jim! Nicely done!

Ken Glass
01-11-2012, 1:18 PM
Nice turnings all. I like the stoppers, very unique, I guess cause I'm a Wino. David, Anytime you want to rid yourself of crap like that BLM blank, just send it to me.....

Bernie Weishapl
01-11-2012, 1:55 PM
Nice turnings Jim. I do like that platter. The stoppers and pen are really nice.

John Keeton
01-11-2012, 5:31 PM
One man's junk......

Nice work on those, Jim, and that white burl is striking!! Mike Smith is back home now, but getting ready for the Tennessee Symposium, so you better give him a call quickly!