View Full Version : Pepper mill round 2 - would appreciate feedback on form.

Dan Forman
01-11-2012, 4:53 AM
I had some reservations about the form on my first mill, but didn't have time to rework it before giving it to my sister. She liked it though, and asked if I would make one like it for a friend of her's. I think I did better with the proportions on this one, waist is a little more trim, cap is much smaller, and I decided to dye it to bring out the curl a little more.

These were both made from the same stock - you can see that the dying really popped the grain. Dyes were Transtint in DNA, first wash of red and honey amber, sanded back and followed with blend of mostly antique maple with a touch of honey amber. Finished with General Finishes Wood Turner's Finish, which I found a little challenging to use without getting streaks. I had to sand it back a few times between coats to even it out, then buffed to a higher gloss than is evident in the picture. I told sis to bring hers back and I would dye hers too - she said she wants to see it first. :) Think I'll bring the proportions more into line with this one while I'm at it. Guess which one is which :) .

All feedback on form, for either mill appreciated, as I'm still finding my way here, trying to balance ergonomics with appearance.

219319 219320 6.5" tall including the top knob, and 2.45" wide (first pic).


Bill Hensley
01-11-2012, 6:28 AM
Dan I really like the highlighted grain of the first one, otherwise I'm suffering from indecision on the shape I like best. Either would be a nice addition to our table.

John Keeton
01-11-2012, 6:49 AM
Dan, I think a combination of the elements would suit me best - the slightly smaller knob on the first one, combined with the tuck at the bottom from the second. Nice work on both!

Greg Just
01-11-2012, 7:04 AM
Both are very nice, but the second one might fit better in a smaller hand with the curve at the bottom

David E Keller
01-11-2012, 8:09 AM
I'd be happy with either of them! I like the tucked bottom on the second one quite a bit, and I'm sort of indifferent on the knobs... I suppose I'd choose which ever felt better in the hand. The dye and finish are certainly improvements... A bit like Jamie's recent faux koa.

Steve Schlumpf
01-11-2012, 8:09 AM
That dye job really brought the curl to life! Nice! Not trying to go against the herd here but I like the form of the original best. Everything seems to flow better - as far as the curves.

Bill Bulloch
01-11-2012, 8:12 AM
I like the shape of the second one the best. I, also like pepper mills that are a little on the bulky side. You did a good job with the dye.

Roger Chandler
01-11-2012, 8:30 AM
I actually think the proportions are better on the one with the larger knob [your first one, I think?] The tuck at the bottom and the size of the knob seem to line up better to my eye. I do like the way you popped the curl on your second.........if you could combine that with the features of your first, you would have a winner for sure!

Nice work Dan!

Bernie Weishapl
01-11-2012, 10:44 AM
Dan I like the one in the first picture the best. Curl and grain are really accented. Nice form.

wes murphy
01-11-2012, 11:10 AM
Very nice peppermills, Dan. Like the shape a lot.

Mike Campbell KS
01-11-2012, 11:15 AM
While I think the second one might feel better ergonomically, I think the first one would look better on my dining room table.

Jim Burr
01-11-2012, 11:18 AM
The coloring in the first one really sells it. I'm not fond of the base...seems kind of plunky. The knob size seems good.
The second one has better purportions, but the knob may be a little big, but I like the base a lot more. Dye would have been cool, but I bet the maple looks nice regardless.

Dan Forman
01-11-2012, 1:53 PM
Thanks for the interesting blend of comments. The first effort (non dyed) only received one comment when first posted, which I interpreted as either a general lack of enthusiasm for this shape, or endorsement of my concern about the large size of the cap. I had intended to do roughly the same "tuck" at the base as the first one, but had to enlarge the hole at the base a little due to a drilling error (don't think the morse taper on the drill extension was fully seated), and didn't want to get too thin there, so went a little easier on that curve. This new one feels pretty good in the hand, and I am more happy with the cap to body proportion. This one I turned cap and body together, last one they were turned separately. I will do them together from now on, much easier to judge as I go that way. Next one I will keep for my own use, and will have the tuck at the base of the first, with the smaller waist and cap of the second.

Sis is bringing the other one back for possible reworking, will be interesting to see them side by side, as the two pictures are a little different in size. I still think the cap of the second picture is too big, almost the same diameter of the body, and causes a struggle for dominance in the form. I took down the measurements of the current one, will measure the first one too when it arrives and compare them.

Thanks again for the feedback.
