View Full Version : pen bushings

Wally Wenzel
01-10-2012, 8:22 PM
To Bernie&Jim. In a reply to a question on pens you both mentioned something something about Johnny c&c for bushings could explain?

James Combs
01-10-2012, 9:23 PM
Wally, I am not Bernie or Jim but I can answer your question for you. Johnny CNC has a web site (http://www.penturnersproducts.com/) that deals with "Penturner's Products". The product that was referred to(I assume it was bushings) are some that Johnny makes, they are designed for turning between centers, no mandrel needed. The advantage of turning between centers is near perfect concentricity of the turned barrel to the brass tube and therefore to the pen hardware. Mandrels no matter how good they are will almost always turn a little off center due to flex. There is nothing to flex if you turn between centers. Hope this answers your question sufficiently.

Edit: Just some clarification. Johnny's name is John Goodin, his "handle" over on the IAP site and on his web site is "johnnycnc". If you look for Johnny C&C you won't find him.

Jim Burr
01-10-2012, 9:29 PM
Wally...I'd listen to JD...I do!

Bernie Weishapl
01-10-2012, 10:30 PM
Yep what JD said.

Don Nicholas
01-11-2012, 2:53 AM
Johns web site is www.penturnersproducts.com
great person to deal with, you will also need a good dead center to put in the Headstock, John sells a Carbide dead center as well. Great person to deal with and ships fast.