View Full Version : Walnut bowl from the burn pile

Steve Braman
01-10-2012, 7:21 PM
Here are a few cell phone pictures of a bowl I rough turned last summer. It looked pretty badly cracked to me, so I had given up on it and tossed it in the burn pile. I pulled it out a month or so ago and decided to turn it to nothing if that was all it was worth. At least I could get a little practice, and I need a lot of that. There was more left to it than I thought. There is one crack that I could not turn away but it still holds the objects that tend to colect on the coffee table. The finish is simply beeswax and it feels great to the hand. There is a flat spot in it, but there is no going back now. I had a catch near the end that i couldn't tully remove, and I see it as a reminder every day, that I need to make more time to practice. This is also the first bowl that I finished the bottom with my donut chuck. Comments and critiques are welcome, how else will I learn anything.


Steve Mawson
01-10-2012, 8:19 PM
That is much too nice of a bowl for the burn pile. All except for a couple tool marks looks good to me. I certainly would not be to proud to put it on my coffee table. You are right-practice helps. To me the sides and contour of the bottom look fine so you did what the wood allowed.

Allan Ferguson
01-10-2012, 8:25 PM
Looks pretty good to me. Keep it and use it.

charlie knighton
01-10-2012, 9:36 PM
you should be grinning, very nice

Jim Burr
01-10-2012, 9:39 PM
I may have missed it Steve, but what are the dimentions? This is the best(!!) kind of bowl, trash to cool and well done at that. Maybe a little more finish...it deserves it!

Bernie Weishapl
01-10-2012, 10:18 PM
Really nice bowl and a great save from the burn pile.

Baxter Smith
01-10-2012, 10:19 PM
Nice save! Beautiful piece!

Mike Cruz
01-10-2012, 10:25 PM
Shame that a piece like that would ever make it close to a burn pile, but I'd be calling the kettle black if I scolded you for it.

From my eye, I actually really like it, but have a few comments. It looks like the wall thickness isn't uniform. Looks thinner at the rim. May just be the pic. Also, the profile shot shows how the outside of the bowl isn't a flowing curve. It has an abrupt turn. These may not be major points, but you asked for opinions, so you got mine. Again, I do like it. The wood is just beautiful.

Steve Braman
01-10-2012, 11:04 PM
Thanks for all of the encouragement. This bowl is approximately 10 x 3. It is pretty consistent 1/4 inch thick with a little round over on the inner rim.

Dan Forman
01-11-2012, 3:32 AM
Glad that one didn't go up in smoke - very pretty wood too.


John Keeton
01-11-2012, 6:58 AM
Flat spot or not - an excellent bowl! Worth the save, for sure.