View Full Version : Mesquite Burl is finished

Kathy Marshall
01-09-2012, 11:58 PM
So here it is, after enough sanding by hand and with the drill to make my hand almost useless, and a coat of danish oil. I'll be adding another coat or 2 of DO to build a finish, some hand rubbing and I'll call it done, just a nice satin finish.
I know I could have done much better on the form, next time I'll take more time and plan the form I want.
Have at it with the critiques so I can improve on the next one!
Thanks for looking!
Comments and critiques are welcome.

Marty Eargle
01-10-2012, 12:03 AM
I think the form you used might be the best for the piece of wood you're working with. At first it seemed a little thick but sometimes that is necessary to get full use out of that natural edge.

Regardless, that is some fine looking wood and I like what you did with it.

Doug W Swanson
01-10-2012, 12:11 AM
I really like the contrasting wood tones. It looks like you burned the edges on it. Nice work, Kathy!

Eric Gourieux
01-10-2012, 12:13 AM
I like the form, considering what you had to work with. Did you do some burning on the edges?

Alan Trout
01-10-2012, 12:13 AM
Its always amazing how the different types of mesquite look so different. Kathy, well done.


Kathy Marshall
01-10-2012, 12:25 AM
Thanks guys!
I forgot to include the size, it's 8 1/2 x 3".

I think the form you used might be the best for the piece of wood you're working with. At first it seemed a little thick but sometimes that is necessary to get full use out of that natural edge.

Regardless, that is some fine looking wood and I like what you did with it.
Thanks Marty! It still seems a little thick to me. I almost put it back in the chuck to cut it down some more, but decided against it. Didn't want to chance knocking some bark off or messing it up in some other way.

I really like the contrasting wood tones. It looks like you burned the edges on it. Nice work, Kathy!
Thanks Doug! No burning, just bark.

Its always amazing how the different types of mesquite look so different. Kathy, well done.

Thanks Alan. None of the heartwood survived the turning, so this is all sapwood and bark.

I like the form, considering what you had to work with. Did you do some burning on the edges?
Thanks Eric, no burning on this one, all of the dark areas are bark.

mickey cassiba
01-10-2012, 6:53 AM
Kathy, I've always viewed your mesquite stuff with great interest.Mesquite is the only wood I have available to me on a regular basis.(I'm cheap). I trim, and occasionally cut whole trees here. This piece really catches my eye. I've yet to catch any burl(they seem to be pretty rare) but I do have a few root chunks on the pile. I do have a whole tree scheduled for removal in the next couple of months, that has a big oozy crack up one side. It's got a lot of multiple crotches on it as well. Seeing what you do with your wood really gives me a lot of ideas. A little bird told me a bigger lathe is in my future, so maybe I can progress from my baby bowls....(fingers crossed)

Steve Schlumpf
01-10-2012, 7:42 AM
That looks great! Lots of eyes and I really like the charred effect that the dark bark offers! Form looks fine to me. Any thinner and you would have lost a lot of that bark! Nice work! Thanks for sharing!

Mike Cruz
01-10-2012, 8:33 AM
Very interesting piece, Kathy. Must have been fun! You should have filled all those voids with epoxy and shavings. Hehe, I don't really mean that. I just wanted to hear Keller scream. :D

Baxter Smith
01-10-2012, 8:39 AM
The form looks good to me Kathy and the color contrast between sapwood and bark is neat. Did the darker heartwood that you turned away have much figure/eyes as well?

David E Keller
01-10-2012, 8:42 AM
Very cool, Kathy! I love it as is, but since I got a couple of beading tools from DWay, I'm looking to out beads on everything. I love the look of a 'broken' bead on these void-filled pieces, so I might have included that detail. It would at least be something to consider on a future gnarly form.

@Cruz... Searching for the emoticon with the tongue sticking out

Bernie Weishapl
01-10-2012, 10:26 AM
Really nice piece Kathy. Glad you didn't stick it back on the lathe. At least with me it is the famous last pass that always gets me in trouble. I really like the bark/sapwood contrast on this one.

Rob Cunningham
01-10-2012, 12:41 PM
I really like the form and the contrasting colors.

charlie knighton
01-10-2012, 7:09 PM
congratulations, very nice, no second guesses

Curt Fuller
01-10-2012, 9:35 PM
Kathy, you are truly a turning machine! And this one is one of my favorites you've done recently. That is some spectacular wood!