View Full Version : Toy Army Tank

Lloyd James
01-09-2012, 9:38 PM
I mostly make wood toys of my own design. I only use hardwoods for my toys. I usually work with
African Paduck, Bloodwood, and Cherry. This tank is made out of Red Oak, and walnut. It has a
bolt, nylon washer, and a lock nut to get the turret to turn smooth. The top hatch covers the bolt
and has a polished brass !/8" D. rod that is for prying the round knob (hatch), since I hand fit the part
so you can't pull the knob out with your fingers. Believe it or not the tank has 24 wooden parts, but
that counts 4 wheels and 4 pins that I purchased from a hobby shop. I might make my own wheels in
the future, so I can say the toy is all handmade. I lable, number, and sign each tank. I use orange
shellac for the finish.
I wish I had a joiner, since the exotic woods seem to warp alot when I resaw parts for other toys.

Todd Burch
01-09-2012, 9:49 PM
Pretty neat Lloyd! Looks like a very durable toy - and it rolls! Got a picture of the underside, and a pre- or mid-assembly picture too?

Thanks, Todd

Bruce Page
01-09-2012, 11:13 PM
I love it!

gary Zimmel
01-09-2012, 11:17 PM
Can't beat making toys for the kids.
Nice work on the tank Lloyd..