View Full Version : Trend Airshield Pro Question

Joe McMahon
01-08-2012, 5:52 PM
I just ordered a Trend Airshield Pro from Enviro Safety as they have a Trend 20% off sale. I ordered the base unit. What else do I need? Extra face shield, battery, elements?????

Thanks, Joe

Alan Zenreich
01-08-2012, 6:06 PM
I don't think you need a second face shield, but the 10 pack of clear overlays is very useful. A second battery is a fine thing, but not necessary if you charge after use. The original battery lasts about 8 hours and the unit beeps when it is getting low on power, so you are not caught by surprise.

David E Keller
01-08-2012, 6:22 PM
+1 on the overlays. I've never been able to string together enough turning time to drain a battery on a single session, so the extra battery is not necessary for me.

Greg Just
01-08-2012, 8:48 PM
+2 on the overlays and make sure you use them. A new faceshield liner is $30. Guess how I know? I have one battery and it has never been a problem.

Roger Chandler
01-08-2012, 9:31 PM
I got two spare batteries from amazon.com.........I am reluctant to tell you but when I got them I found them for $9.00 each! That was a special deal that I have not seen since, but check with them from time to time.

Eric Gourieux
01-08-2012, 9:48 PM
I've been searching for replacement batteries for my Trend Airshield Pro, including some of the re-build sites. Well, your post prompted me to look again, and I found a great deal! Sears online has them for $39.97, and they'll deliver for free to a local store.


Jim Burr
01-08-2012, 10:30 PM
Shield covers are great...I doubt you'll turn enough in a day to wear the battery out. As I was told...just plug it in at night and you are good to go for the next day. Using mine 6 hrs a day...no issues so save your money for wood. I'm looking at filter packs...mine look like crap on the outside, but after a week of "Oops's" I smell nothing but clean air while turning. Thanks for taking care of your lungs and family!

Bernie Weishapl
01-08-2012, 10:31 PM
Definitely get the visor overlays and a extra battery.

Joe McMahon
01-08-2012, 11:03 PM
I added the overlays on to my order. Thanks for the great info!

Ryan Baker
01-09-2012, 9:35 PM
Yep, the overlays are pretty important. If you wear glasses, you might consider putting one on the inside too. I found that the corners of my frames have scratched the inside pretty badly, despite the fact that they don't normally touch the face shield.

I would definitely get an extra battery (and the charging cradle, which I think you said you already had). I have run batteries out lots of times, and not having a spare ready will shut you down. As mentioned, there are some deals at times on the batteries.

It would also be a good idea to have a spare filter around, because they do need to be replaced after a while.

Alan Zenreich
01-10-2012, 5:05 AM
Another accessory to consider (and one I bought) are the ear muffs. However, although they worked for me, they didn't fit my wife when she used the helmet, no matter how we adjusted them. The muffs on the 3M units worked well for us both.