View Full Version : Not just a wood gloat - an adventure!

John Keeton
01-08-2012, 1:11 PM
Most of you know my addiction to Claro Walnut and BLM burls (Don't look down on me! You all have your own secret addictions - I have seen them!!;))

After "show and tell" at our December turning club meeting, a couple of the club members ask if I could check with Mike Smith on a group buy of burl. I polled the club, and after getting a fair amount of interest, I contacted Mike to see what we could do. He had recently acquired several large burled logs, and thought we could work something out. He first suggested we could meet halfway, then as the idea developed, and the club interest increased, Mike agreed to just bring a load of wood to KY!!!!

I agreed to put him up for a couple of nights, which worked out pretty good for me, too! Ms. Keeton cooked a pork loin one night and BBQ ribs the next!!:)

Mike arrived Friday around noon. I arranged for a couple of members to be here at 1pm to help unload the wood. We used one side of our garage for the burls, BLM, and Ambrosia Maple, among a few other things. The Claro we put in the storage section of my shop building so guys would be able to get to all of it.

I failed to take any pics of the "before", as we started having club members arrive while we were unloading, and it was fairly continuous Friday afternoon ending at dark. The following morning, the first group arrived around 9:30am and continued until mid afternoon.

My guess is that Mike brought around $5,500 worth of wood!!!!:eek: He left with $3,500 less than he brought!!!:eek::eek: Needless to say, the club members were excited about the opportunity.

This is what the "after" looked like in the garage - that is some firewood stacked to the far right. The carved burl bowl on the right is a project Mike was working on - kind of an interesting use of a burl!

This is the Claro stock that was left -
218973 218974

Mike was very appreciative of the club and left several burls and blanks for us to use as raffles, etc.

And, of course, Mike left with some of my money, too!!! I have a BUNCH of burls, so I ended up with four 16", and a couple 14" BLM platter blanks, a pile of Claro (to go with the shelf full I already have!), some 14x14x6 BLM blanks, some highly figured BLM, a 14" burl bowl blank, a cherry platter blank (on top), and a chunk of Ambrosia. Oh yeah, couldn't resist the flat burl!


We got Mike loaded back up this morning, and he headed back out to N. Car. Those crates and boxes were filled to the brim when he got here! There wasn't much left to load up!


While he was here, we did locate a couple of wood sources for him, and I told him he could have a large Osage tree off our place, so I expect he will be back in a couple months! This could get expensive for me!!!:o

Pete Jordan
01-08-2012, 1:23 PM
Well done! The members are probably very busy today and your next meeting will have some great pieces.

I bought some holly from him and was very happy with it!

charlie knighton
01-08-2012, 1:36 PM
interesting, your bunch bought more than some symposium, but then good selection of wood

Hayes Rutherford
01-08-2012, 1:39 PM
Looks like a sweet load of well prepared wood. Definitely some envy for not only the recipients of the nice wood but of Mike who is the one making the well deserved dough!!

Roger Chandler
01-08-2012, 1:47 PM
All I can say is Wow! Pretty good that your club could co-ordinate a purchase like that.......shows good leadership of their president! ;) Now all the members will be happy until their wives find out about it! :eek::D

Kathy Marshall
01-08-2012, 1:57 PM
I was looking for the smiley icon of a drooling face, but I guess I'll have to settle for this one :eek:.
Quite the haul for you and your club members and very cool that Mike was willing to make a house call!
I'll expect to see some finished pieces soon!

Jim Burr
01-08-2012, 2:00 PM
Uh huh...that explains why I've been waiting 2 weeks for an order from Mike. I see the only resoultion being you sending me some platter material! on a secondary note...nice haul!

Brian Effinger
01-08-2012, 2:40 PM
Great score John. Glad it worked out for you, your club and Mike. :)

Now get to turning it! :D

Faust M. Ruggiero
01-08-2012, 2:53 PM
[My guess is that Mike brought around $5,500 worth of wood!!!!:eek: He left with $3,500 less than he brought!!]

From the sound of your note, Mike also left with a full belly and a warm feeling. By the way, Keeton, easy on the pork loin and ribs. I assume you ate tofu while the others enjoyed the meat. :))

Marty Eargle
01-08-2012, 2:56 PM
One part of me wants to be happy about all this, because Mike is a great guy and I know a lot of great pieces will be made from this wood.

Another part of me is pulling my hair out in fear that Mike's supply of BLM is going to be hurting next time I pay him a visit! Good thing my family knew to pick up goodies from Mike for Christmas presents.

Dwight McNutt
01-08-2012, 2:59 PM
John or anyone else: How can I get in touch with Mike his web page seems to be down now?


Marty Eargle
01-08-2012, 3:03 PM
John or anyone else: How can I get in touch with Mike his web page seems to be down now?


http://www.centurytreeturnings.com/index.html is his new site.

David E Keller
01-08-2012, 6:29 PM
Looks like quite the haul! Heck of a deal to be able to convince your dealer to show up at the house stocked with all your favorite goodies! Smart move picking up those oversized pieces... The shipping on the things would be killer I'd bet! I'm perhaps most impressed that you were able to let Mike leave with any of the wood... I suspect Mrs. Keeton had something to do with that 'self control'.

Dan Forman
01-08-2012, 7:52 PM
John --- Sounds like a great time was had by all, but especially you and Mike. Wish I could have been there.


Tim Rinehart
01-08-2012, 8:56 PM
That's pretty cool! I'm just curious about one thing John...does this mean you bought some wood without a specific piece in mind?? Tell me you didn't commit the sin of acquiring speculative wood!;)

Lee Koepke
01-08-2012, 9:02 PM
I may arrange a visit to KY the next time Mike shows up!!!

Joe Bradshaw
01-08-2012, 9:52 PM
Mike is just a super guy. I only live about 50 minutes from his place. I try to limit my visits, or he will get all my $$. It is worth a 4 or 5 hour drive to visit his place, You will not be disappointed.

Steve Schlumpf
01-08-2012, 9:57 PM

Looks like it was a good time for everyone! I look forward to seeing what you create out of your new wood stash!!

Bernie Weishapl
01-08-2012, 10:25 PM
Well Mike hasn't changed since I saw him last summer. Great buy.

Oh and John I have a question. How much of the Claro did you put on that top shelf where no one can see what's up there?:eek:

Baxter Smith
01-08-2012, 10:59 PM
Quite the haul! Glad some drug deliveries and group buys are legal.:)

John Keeton
01-09-2012, 7:41 AM
I forgot to mention this bit of coincidence! I invited a local gentleman to the event that I have known for 30 years. I knew he was a West Point graduate, but did not realize Mike Smith was, as well! Even more amazing, they were classmates!!! They ended up spending quite some time talking, and the local gentleman even went home and got his yearbook, and wife, and returned for more reminiscing!

interesting, your bunch bought more than some symposium...Charlie, in fact, Mike mentioned that!

By the way, Keeton, easy on the pork loin and ribs. I assume you ate tofu while the others enjoyed the meat. :)Faust, the doc says I can cheat a little!! Actually, I don't have many restrictions other than low fat, low cholesterol, so I just eat meat in moderation and not every meal. I eat very little red meat now. Tofu wasn't brought up in the discussions I had with the doc - and, for that, I am thankful!!!

...fear that Mike's supply of BLM is going to be hurting next time I pay him a visit!Not to fear, Marty! Mike still has a bunch of burl logs he hasn't even cut into yet!

Smart move picking up those oversized pieces... The shipping on the things would be killer I'd bet! I'm perhaps most impressed that you were able to let Mike leave with any of the wood... I suspect Mrs. Keeton had something to do with that 'self control'.David, I asked Mike to cut those pieces to size for me. No way could one afford to ship that stuff - it was wet and HEAVY!! As we were unloading, Ms. Keeton came out and asked if I had already started a stack!! Very intuitive - I already had pulled a few pieces!:)

...does this mean you bought some wood without a specific piece in mind?? Tell me you didn't commit the sin of acquiring speculative wood!;)Tim, every piece of wood I have purchased has been speculative - isn't that what we all do????:D I have several shelves filled with possibilities - way more than I need, but don't tell Ms. Keeton.

I may arrange a visit to KY the next time Mike shows up!!!Lee, you are welcome anytime!

Josh Bowman
01-09-2012, 8:13 AM
John, what a score! Look forward to all the fine turnings.

Robert Henrickson
01-09-2012, 9:20 AM
I was one of the participants in the event. John did a great job of organizing and hosting, and Mike Smith was a great person to talk and deal with. A bunch of beautiful wood, including some remarkable ambrosia maple. I added to my already overlarge stash of wood. [Visits to John's house have been a little hard on the bank account, but always enjoyable and time well-spent. First a demo by Vince for a club gathering resulted in some sanding supplies, then a day spent turning in John's shop trying out some of his equipment resulted in a vacuum chuck and Monster, and now this. Luckily I already have the same lathe he does!]

Jamie Donaldson
01-09-2012, 11:43 AM
"Speculative wood purchases?" I had never considered adding to the wood stash as anything other than smart advance planning to insure a sufficient supply of adequate material for future development! Mike was a genuine nice guy, and I don't now have quite as much empty space in my shop's "wall of wood.!" Thanks Mike and John!

Betty Fox
01-09-2012, 12:12 PM
Ron and I had the pleasure of doing business with Mike way out here in Oregon. He has excellent wood at reasonable prices. Good haul there!!! I just have to think of an acronym for lathe. You know how Boat is break out another thousand?
Hmm. I'll think on it.

Rob Cunningham
01-09-2012, 12:48 PM
Looks like a great haul John. I can't wait to see some of the finished turnings.