View Full Version : Beer Tap Threads

Don Orr
01-07-2012, 10:09 PM
Does anyone know what the standard threads are for a beer tap? I want to turn a tap handle for my nephew and want it to thread on easily. I don't go to bars much. Might have to just visit one and take my pitch gauge and do some measurements. Any ideas for a metal thread insert source? Thanks.

Micah Dean
01-07-2012, 10:19 PM
Hi Don, I've turned a bunch of tap handles, and in my experience the metal ferrules are pretty much a standard size: 3/8" x 16. I usually get my parts from kegworks.com (http://www.kegworks.com/gold-colored-beer-tap-handle-ferrule-663-p19015)...but i've also found some good deals on Ebay. Good luck!

Paul Williams
01-07-2012, 10:42 PM
Don, I have two tap handles here that are plastic with a metal insert. They are headed for the trash can. Both are new, never been on a keg or tab. You are welcome to them. I could cut off the plastic to save on postage if all you ned is the metal insert.

Mike Peace
01-07-2012, 11:08 PM
You can the inserts at most any hardware or big box store. Woodcraft has an insert wrench. http://www.woodcraft.com/Product/2001048/1708/3824-Brass-Threaded-Inserts-10.aspx

I made one and managed to screw in the brass with a large screwdriver or chainsaw tool, I don't remember. I don't think I was able to get it completely in and had to file off just a bit to make it even with the wood tap.

Dave Wagner
01-08-2012, 8:34 PM
I did a couple tap handles for my brother, they were 3/8-16 thread for most of the taps. I think I got mine thru Rockler.

Don Orr
01-09-2012, 6:57 PM
Thanks everybody for the input. Sorry it took so long to respond. I PM'd Paul about his generous offer. The links are cool too! Makes me think about trying some brewing-like I need another time-eating hobby. ;-))