View Full Version : What finish for teaspoons?

Primvs Aebvtivs
01-07-2012, 9:50 AM
Hi folks, may be a crazy question, but I've been asked if I can turn teaspoons... Now, that answer is a "give it a go", but my problem is, with hardwood handles / metal bowls, not much of a problem geting the handles wet. BUT if it's a one piece spoon, how do I go about treating / coating the wood so the bowl isn't going to swell up everytime the drink is stirred?

Wood available will be :- Silver Birch, Beech, Apple, Walnut, Pine, Buddleia (sp?). Any suggestion on best type to make spoons out of?
I have Boiled Linseed oil, and Tung oil to hand, but don't think an oil based finish is suitable...

Any help will be gratefully received!

Scott Holmes
01-10-2012, 8:03 PM
Not much is going to work.. silverplate might. If you insist on wood use maple or cherry. the others will take on too much water.