View Full Version : "Non" Gloat...

Primvs Aebvtivs
01-06-2012, 12:25 PM
I know, no pictures, didn't happen... I was driving for work yesterday, when I heard of 10 trees that hapd blown over in the high winds of Wednesday night... I just wish that I'd had my chainsaw in the van, and where the addresses were - I knew some of the village names, but couldn't get there in daylight. Bummer! Although, to be honest, I'm not sure I'd be married today if I'd brought home ANY more wood... nice to hear about you guys picking up stuff (just read about the box elder), doesn't seem to happen here in the U.K. The trimmers seem to chip everything before asking if anyone wants it...

Doug Herzberg
01-06-2012, 2:09 PM

The tree trimmers around here try to give away anything too big for the chipper so they don't have to haul it away. What they must carry off, they try to sell as firewood. Local chefs come for some of the fruit woods. I was able to fill a an 5' x 9' trailer in one trip to one lot with a variety of woods to experiment with. The guy asked me for $20, which I gladly paid, as he was climbing the pile with me and used his skid loader to fill my trailer with the pieces I selected.

I would think the tree business is the same in every city, unless you have so many burn restrictions that firewood has no value. I would at least try a phone call to the local tree services.

Good luck.