View Full Version : Winding Sticks Completed "PICS"

Mark Stutz
03-13-2005, 6:02 PM
Thanks to all of you who responded to my question about winding sticks. See thread http://sawmillcreek.org/showthread.php?t=17751

I decided a distinctly Neander tool should be built that way. Only a few electrons used--I don't have a rip saw, so used a band saw, and found a brace and bit rather difficult so used a drill press. Otherwise all calorie burners. I took design elements from all the different examples and tried to come up with my version. I need to acknowledge Joel's version, as contributing the most. I wasn't quite ready to tackle the square keys, so decided to use round ones. Tried the brace, but if its not perfectly square and plumb, won't do...hence the drill press. Will keep trying though ;)

They are made from mahogany. Not QS but mahogany should be fairly stable. Inlays on the top are birch and wenge. The "decorative plugs" ;) :D are birch. Finished with shellac--should be easily renewable when they need to be tweaked.

Pictures show the completed pair, and the pair with a severly twisted piece of sycamore! Other pictures show the process of cutting the pabbets by hand, and the variuos methods I tried. The #78 works well to get them started because it's fenced. The shoulder and rabbet block work better to do the major stock removal. Looks like a rip saw is in order though as it would be a lot faster.

Thanks for the inspiration and for looking.

Mark Stutz
03-13-2005, 6:05 PM
And a couple more pics... :D ;)

Joel Moskowitz
03-13-2005, 8:42 PM
Looks Good!!!
For the record I don't remember why I used square keys, round should be fine.
I did alternate them so there is only one glued in per side so that you can only assemble the winding sticks one way. However it doesn't matter as it's pretty obvious which way they go together.

Dan Moening
03-13-2005, 11:36 PM
Great job!

That last photo is a proper looking bench! :D

Mike Holbrook
03-14-2005, 12:05 AM
That's purddy! Its making me itch, my LV medium shoulder should be here any day now. Nice brace .......too.

Dave Anderson NH
03-14-2005, 12:26 PM
They came out quite nicely Mark. With a few coats of blonde shellac they'll be even nicer. I'm glad to see the growing arsenal on your bench. Have you been checking out the pix of the stuff for April's LFOD at Martin's website?

Roy Wall
03-14-2005, 12:38 PM
They came out quite nicely Mark. With a few coats of blonde shellac they'll be even nicer. I'm glad to see the growing arsenal on your bench. Have you been checking out the pix of the stuff for April's LFOD at Martin's website?

If it's okay to snoop......(as an ever interest hand tool junkie).....what's the reference above??

If it's none of my business I will not be offended.


James Mittlefehldt
03-14-2005, 1:55 PM
A bit of an aside MArk what is Sycamore like to work with?

The winding sticks look great, and so does your bench. The first time my wife happened to look at The Woodwright's Shop on TV she commented, "that looks like your shop. I thanked her but I think she meant something other than a compliment.

Louis Bois
03-14-2005, 2:22 PM
Nice work Mark...should give many years of service...

Roy, Dave's talking about the Live Free Or Die auction...do a google search to learn more...

Roy Wall
03-14-2005, 2:44 PM
Nice work Mark...should give many years of service...

Roy, Dave's talking about the Live Free Or Die auction...do a google search to learn more...
Thank you sir!!

Dave Anderson NH
03-14-2005, 3:50 PM
Louis already answered correcctly for me Roy, but it's no secret about LFOD. Mark had PMed me aboout possibly being in town on the weekend in question and I was just trying to help (read push) him on his way along the legendary Slippery Slope. You know what they say-- Lead me not into temptation.... I can find it by myself. :D

James Carmichael
03-14-2005, 4:34 PM
Louis already answered correcctly for me Roy, but it's no secret about LFOD. Mark had PMed me aboout possibly being in town on the weekend in question and I was just trying to help (read push) him on his way along the legendary Slippery Slope. You know what they say-- Lead me not into temptation.... I can find it by myself. :D

I wouldn't have guessed, and I've bid in the LFODs.

Very nice sticks, Mark. I picked up a load of freebie scraps from Lumber Liquidators that includes tons of Tauari (Brazilian oak, they use it for pallets, which the LL employees were planning to burn :eek: ) and some Jatoba. These two should make a nice contrasting pair of sticks. The Jatoba is dense as granite and Tauari not far behind it.

Mark Stutz
03-14-2005, 8:14 PM
Thanks for the compliments guys. This was a real learning experience for me, but since I'm on a very steep part of the curve, that's not very difficult! :eek: :D

Louis and Dave beat me to it. There is also one in Indy later this month, though I can't make that one. Still keeping my fingers crossed about Nashua...if not this year then next.

The sycamore is not bad, though I haven't done much with hand tools on it yet. I did the drawer fronts and face frame with it for my recent bench rehab project. Mostly power tool stuff, as I was still lapping and sharpening, and that's my dedicated sharpening station now. I'm told it's not terribly stable, and some of the boards had a lot of twist, though I have some wide ones that are great. I knew they would be taken down to 1/2 in for drawer fronts, and the price was right--$1.50 BF. Not sure it will become standard though. Iwant to try some QS though as the grain is beautiful...it's in the same family as lacewood!

I'm sure you'll like the LV shoulder plane! I've never used any other so have nothing to compare, but it's hard to imagine anything better.
