View Full Version : Shop Tour #2

lou sansone
03-13-2005, 5:25 PM
hello ww's

here is the next installment for the shop tour. I wanted to show you all my most recent addition, which is where I store a lot of my wood. It is not heated and therefore the wood is at 12% moisture. I also store a fair amount in my main shop which is heated and that wood is @ 6-8% ( this is the wood I will be using for projects ). I move the wood in to my shop when I am in the planning process. The little building is about 14x20 and as you can see from the photos half of it is for storage and the other half is for pulling and evaluating the wood for the project. Once it is pulled it moves into the heated shop. Each "bin" can hold about 1000 bd feet if it is full to the top with 10' lenghts.
I have quite a few boards in the 18 to 20" wide range, but as I have indicated in prevous posts they do present unique problems, and often get ripped down to narrower stock. Enjoy. I believe that the next shop tour will be taking a look inside the red building.


Bob Winkler
03-13-2005, 5:30 PM

I can't help but think you're sitting there smiling at us mere mortals. Come on, quit teasing us!


Mike Tempel
03-13-2005, 5:30 PM
Wow. Can I come and get some wood???:rolleyes: Maybe even make a snow angel outside while I am there. I am already mowing the yard for what promises to be another long hot Texas gulf coast summer. That sure looks inviting. I am anxiously waiting on pics of the inside. I bet it is nothing less than awe inspiring.

Richard Wolf
03-13-2005, 5:34 PM
Nice pictures of your local hardwood dealer!!


John Miliunas
03-13-2005, 5:42 PM
Ahhh...You know, guys; He's just toying with us now!:eek: He's probably just got a skill saw, drill and router in that big red thing! Yeah. Right. And I'm the queen of England. Come on, Lou!!! You're killin' us here!:eek: :) :cool:

Frank Pellow
03-13-2005, 6:06 PM
WOW, that's some lumber storage shed!

I'm really enjoying the tour.

John Shuk
03-13-2005, 6:27 PM
David marks has some competition! Just color me green.

Mike Cutler
03-13-2005, 6:38 PM
That is so not fair!! That is an unabashed stealth gloat if I've seen one. Tyler, something has to be done here. ;)
But I'll tell you what old buddy, old friend. lemme take those pesky 18"-20" ers off your hands. Let me absolve you of all those "unique problems", I'll even trade you skinny one hander boards. :D
Seriously though, that is a nice barn/ shop you have there, and you should be applauded for recreating the historic feel of a building like that..

Bob Noles
03-13-2005, 6:50 PM
Hey.... I am up for adoption :cool:

How could any human being be THAT blessed?

David Fried
03-13-2005, 6:56 PM
Hmmm ... your wood shed is nicer than my shop and your shop is twice the size of my house. Sounds like a fair swap! Now, if I can get the drool wiped off the keyboard in time for tour parts 3 - 12, I'll be OK. :D

John Bailey
03-13-2005, 6:57 PM
Paybacks, Lou, Paybacks!! This is killin' me.


Tim Morton
03-13-2005, 6:58 PM
I'm using the picture of the wood shed to show my wife what I'm thinking of putting in our new house as my whole shop :D

Thanks for making it easier on us all!! By Shop tour#6 we may actually be "inside" ;)

Steve Ash
03-13-2005, 7:02 PM
Being a building contractor, after tour #1 I was in awe of you skills to make a building "fit" into your needs and keeping within the theme of the neighborhod. After tour #2 as a woodworker I am in awe of your inventory and storage of them. I am anxiously awaiting the next "tour".

lou sansone
03-13-2005, 9:19 PM
hey guys

thanks for the nice comments. Now think about this.... you can show your wife these photos and she can't possibly say that your plans are excessive after seeing my madness.. So I am actually doing all of you a favor.

I did want to point out that when you do make a place for storage it is worth considering including some space for sorting the wood out. The other point that I wanted to make is for those of you who are able to and the seriousness of your hobby supports it that buying wood when you don't need it is the best way to buy wood. Obvioulsly, I have more than I can probably use, but I do sometimes actually give it away to charity type events and sell small amounts to folks who need a board here or there. It is a good way to make a friend, and get to know people.

Dave Malen
03-13-2005, 9:41 PM
That's a lifetime supply! Enjoy!

Jason Tuinstra
03-14-2005, 2:35 AM
Lou, my lumber supplier back in Indy didn't even have that much good wood. Nice. Very, very nice!

Now can we please move inside. It's cold out here :D

John Renzetti
03-14-2005, 1:01 PM
Hi Lou, You're not fooling me, those pictures are from Hearne Hardwoods, in Oxford PA. I recognized the lumber racks. Nice try. :)
Do you mill a lot of your own lumber?
take care,

lou sansone
03-14-2005, 2:25 PM
Hi Lou, You're not fooling me, those pictures are from Hearne Hardwoods, in Oxford PA. I recognized the lumber racks. Nice try. :)
Do you mill a lot of your own lumber?
take care,
Hi john

I buy lumber in bulk and also mill my own. I am looking at buying some logs this spring and sawing them up. I am not sure what I am looking to buy though. I was also thinking of picking up a bunch of beech for workbench tops.


Steve Clardy
10-01-2005, 7:57 PM
Missed this thread I guess. Nice looking place!! Nice wood storage!!

Paul B. Cresti
10-01-2005, 8:09 PM

I thought we had agreed that you would need to ask permission before you could post pictures of my shed? Man that is just plain sick! I think your lumber stash is worth than my machines :)

Kelly C. Hanna
10-01-2005, 11:15 PM
After seeing your shop and now this I can safely say that I am very impressed Lou....very nice digs you have there....now what's inside the big red barn?

lou sansone
10-02-2005, 12:57 PM
After seeing your shop and now this I can safely say that I am very impressed Lou....very nice digs you have there....now what's inside the big red barn?

inside the "barn" is my shop. here is a link to it. This one showes the 36" Moak Bandsaw.

enjoy lou


Mike Wilkins
10-02-2005, 4:16 PM
The 11th Commandment:
Thou shalt not covet another man's wood pile.

Nice stash you got there. Should keep you busy and out of trouble for a while.

Like James Krenov stated: Buy as much wood as you can afford. Then buy a little more.

Christian Aufreiter
10-02-2005, 8:37 PM
I'm GREEN with envy!

here is the next installment for the shop tour. I wanted to show you all my most recent addition, which is where I store a lot of my wood.

Does this mean that you even have MORE wood? :confused:
Your lumber dealer is certainly a lucky guy. :D



Kelly C. Hanna
10-02-2005, 10:41 PM
You sure are....I have plans for an addition to mine and the wife looked over my shoulder and said "glad you don't want one that big"...little does she know...:D:D:D

lou sansone
10-03-2005, 11:52 AM
I'm GREEN with envy!

Does this mean that you even have MORE wood? :confused:
Your lumber dealer is certainly a lucky guy. :D



hi christian
yea, this is only part of it:) . At some time I will start to sell off some of it to make room for other varieties. I will be selling at a very reasonable price a bunch of curly maple ( maybe 300-400 bd feet ) and about the same amount of aspen at really low prices. Keep an eye out in SMC classified section.
