View Full Version : The type 3 Bedrock 607C saga....long and rambling and lots of pics as usual.....

Terry Hatfield
03-13-2005, 5:05 PM
Howdy everyone,

I got my first type 3 Bedrock a few weeks back. I restored it and got a LN A2 blade for it and I was totally taken away with Bedrock fever. :eek:

I saw what looked like a super nice type 3 607C on that auction site that we don't mention and I just had to have it. I of course paid to much. I got it and there were some pretty serious problems. The side at the left heel had a chunk out of it and the right cheek did as well. There was also a super deep owner's stamp to boot. I was not too happy with the seller to say the least. Long story short...I got $50 back from her. That is all she would do so I decided not to let this deal beat me. I got my Dremel and a small stone and went for it. I figured I had nothing to lose at that point anyway.

Here's how the missing chunks looked when I got the plane...

<IMG SRC="http://www.terryhatfield.com/broken 607 (2).JPG">

<IMG SRC="http://www.terryhatfield.com/broken 607 (3).JPG">

Here's after I smoothed the heel chunk and made the other side match it. I also shortened the bed by 1/8" to make it look a little better.

<IMG SRC="http://www.terryhatfield.com/br74.JPG">

Here's the cheek after edge sanding both edges enough to get rid of the missing chunk...

<IMG SRC="http://www.terryhatfield.com/br73.JPG">

The results of all that work uited me just fine so I set off to get the plane restored. I did the usual deal. I totally disassembled and cleaned and polished every part. I used paint stripper on the body and lots of scrubbing and scraping followed by a trip to the glass beader. I have been experimenting with different paints trying to simulate original japanning. I have used a couple different brands of engine paint with pretty good results but I was still searching for something that would be smoother when dry. I think I finally hit on the exact right thing. I found some Seymour MRO High Solids Industrial Coating at my local bolt and screw supply. The high solid content and the very slow drying of this paint appears to be ideal for this use. It stays wet long enough to flow into the rough castings and then level itself before it sets. And it flows out like glass.

Here is how the MRO looks after it's dry.

<IMG SRC="http://www.terryhatfield.com/607c6.JPG">

I am certainly no expert but that looks pretty darn good to me!!! Tell me what you guy's think about it. I've compared very closely to a couple pristene originals and I am well satisfied with the look of the MRO.

Here's the plane after I got it redone and all back together...

<IMG SRC="http://www.terryhatfield.com/607c11.JPG">

<IMG SRC="http://www.terryhatfield.com/607c8.JPG">

<IMG SRC="http://www.terryhatfield.com/607c14.JPG">

This plane has some seriously cool wood on it. I striped the wood and sprayed on 5 coats of Deft and then rubbed it out with 0000 steel wool and wax.

<IMG SRC="http://www.terryhatfield.com/607c13.JPG">

I suppose this ended well enough. I'm very happy with the plane now and it is certainly one that will be with me from now on. Especially with what I went through to get it to look like it does.

Thanks for looking,


Tyler Howell
03-13-2005, 5:15 PM
Beautiful work as always T. It's magic!:eek:

Well done.

Bob Winkler
03-13-2005, 5:26 PM
Wow, talk about a nice recovery. Even better, that plane now has a story which is priceless. Excellent job!


John Miliunas
03-13-2005, 5:34 PM
Holy smokes, Terry! Only the most scrutinizing eye would be able to tell the modifications, IMHO!:) Well done, indeed! Just got to love those Bedrocks! Oh, and let's not take anything away from the LN irons! Say, did you also get the LN chipbreaker or just the iron? Any-the-who, very nice. Looks like an excellent user to me!:) :cool:

Terry Hatfield
03-13-2005, 5:42 PM
Thanks guys!!!!


Just the blade. I have the same setup in my 604C type 3 Bedrock and it is fantastic. Not sure if the chip breaker could improve on it too much but I'm thinking about getting one and giving it a try even though I don't kow why.

Here's the 604 with a pretty seeet shavin' hanging out of it. See what I mean about wondering if the chip breaker could improve the performance?? The little plane makes shavings less than .001 effortlessly.

<IMG SRC="http://www.terryhatfield.com/6043.JPG">


John Miliunas
03-13-2005, 5:49 PM
Nice! Well, like they say in the Old Country: If it ain't broke, don't fix it!:D :cool:

Richard Wolf
03-13-2005, 7:03 PM
It looks so good maybe you should mail her the $50 bucks back.


Terry Hatfield
03-13-2005, 7:51 PM
It looks so good maybe you should mail her the $50 bucks back.


LOL...not a chance. :D :D


Roy Wall
03-13-2005, 9:17 PM

Your 607 looks FANTASTIC!!! I agree with the paint - its a winner......I would have no part of that old japanning stuff either......

You rock my man!!!

Terry Hatfield
03-13-2005, 10:18 PM
Thanks Roy!!! I am super happy with this new paint. No old yukkie japanning for me. :D Besides, I'm pretty sure that Cheryl would revolt if I were to start baking planes in her oven. :eek: That's the last thing I need. :D


Mike Scoggins
03-13-2005, 10:31 PM

Wow--nice job! I'm really impressed with the outcome. Your solution is a real life application of taking lemons and making lemonade. You should be proud of that one.

The paint looks great. Do you happen to know if it's available at common retail establishments? Also, what is the drying time?


Terry Hatfield
03-13-2005, 11:22 PM

Thanks!!! I have never seen the paint wxcept at this wholesale bolt and screw supply, Shamrock Bolt and Screw. I have no clue where to tell you to start looking for it.

It dries very slowly but that is why it flows so well. Drying time is 24 hours. I will let the next batch set for a couple days before doing anything to them to be for sure I don't screw it up.


Bruce Page
03-13-2005, 11:34 PM
Wow Terry! Your hand work to repair the chips definitely adds to the planes beauty. The paint looks superb too! Be sure to drop me a line if you decide to sell it. ;)

Terry Hatfield
03-13-2005, 11:38 PM
Wow Terry! Your hand work to repair the chips definitely adds to the planes beauty. The paint looks superb too! Be sure to drop me a line if you decide to sell it. ;)


Thanks!!! I think Ill keep this one. :D

I decided I wasn't happy with the touch up I did on the japanning on yours so I stripped it and re-painted it. It looks sweet now!! I didn't have enough time to get it all done today but I'll get it later this week. I'll email when I ship it. You having fun with the others????



Bruce Page
03-13-2005, 11:47 PM
I’m having a ball, I don’t have a clue what I’m doing but my bench is full of shavings! I’ve been reading Garrett Hack’s book so it should start to sink in...:rolleyes: :o

I'm looking forward to seeing that paint in person. I could think of a few different applications for it.

Mike Holbrook
03-13-2005, 11:57 PM
Plane nice Terry!

I have these three old planes.....

Marc Hills
03-14-2005, 9:26 AM
Wow Terry:

I'm really impressed with how you managed to smooth out those divots in the cast iron. It makes me have to rethink what I consider to be a "fatal" defect.

It's interesting you posted when you did. I was just perusing Garrett Hack's "The Hand Plane Book" the other day and was struck by how many of the planes in his volume sported very obvious brazing repairs. I've had it drilled into my head to not even consider a plane with a brazed cheek or such.

Now I have to wonder. I'm only interested in old planes as users anyway, so I don't care about their future resale value. Hey, maybe I can afford a Bedrock after all!

Stan Thigpen
03-14-2005, 9:58 AM
Terry, is that paint sprayed on or brushed? It looks great!

jay hanks
03-14-2005, 11:05 AM
Here is the link to the paint maker, there is a link to an on line store so you might be able to buy it directly from them.


Terry Hatfield
03-14-2005, 11:18 AM

Thanks for the link. Why didn't I think of that??? duh.


Terry Hatfield
03-14-2005, 11:19 AM

The finish is sprayed. It comes in a conventional spray can and worked extremely well.


Louis Bois
03-14-2005, 2:18 PM
Nice recovery Terry! That's definitely one that should stay in your working arsenal...you'll love it more than any other...based on your accomplishments. Kinda makes ya feel all warm and fuzzy, don't it?!?

Jack Diemer
03-14-2005, 5:18 PM
You did an awesome job Terry!

I think you have found a hidden talent.

Vince Sandy
03-14-2005, 6:22 PM

That looks awesome. Nice adjustments to the CI and the "damage" won't have any negative effect on performance.

I've restored a few old Stanleys and used the asphaltum based japanning. It is a rather tedious process and even after a week's drying time it was still not tough enough to suit me. I tried baking in stages of incremental heat increases but that made the finish too brittle :( . The japan finish looks good but I'll try the MRO paint next time. It looks just as good and sounds like it'll be much easier to apply. I've got a dozen or so to refurbish ;) - all good solid users that look rough.

Thanks for the paint tip and keep the remarkable results (and pictures) coming.


Chris Padilla
03-15-2005, 1:07 PM
Well, I don't know if I should add any more comments to your swelling ego, Terry! ;)

However, very nice job...you've got a knack, Good Sir! :)

John Shuk
03-17-2005, 5:26 PM
It looks really nice. I like the paint work. Looks like you might have painted once or twice before. Nice work as usual. By the way what is that green stuff on the ground just past the gravel in the pictures? We haven't seen that here in a while.

Terry Hatfield
03-17-2005, 8:19 PM
It looks really nice. I like the paint work. Looks like you might have painted once or twice before. Nice work as usual. By the way what is that green stuff on the ground just past the gravel in the pictures? We haven't seen that here in a while.

Ok John you caught me. :D I held a paint gun in my hand nearly every day for 19 years doing auto painting/restoration before I sold my shop in 1998. It turned out to be pretty good training for plane restoration. ;)

That there green stuff is supposed to be my yard. It actually looks a little sad right now but hopefully it will come around when the weather warms up a bit more.


Terry Hatfield
03-17-2005, 9:19 PM

Since you got me thinking about paint I thought I would throw out a little example of what I used to do. Not much digital wise exists of most of my work. I was doing this before digital cameras were everywhere.

<IMG SRC="http://www.terryhatfield.com/wildside.jpg">

Believe it or not all these colors/stripes go thru the door jambs, around the back of the cab and the front of the bed etc... It took me 40 hours just to tape and spray. There are actually 6 colors on this truck. The yellow/orange fade has gold pearl. It took 2 weeks to sand and rub it out. It was like polishing an acre of paint.

The truck was in several automotive magazines in the late 90's. I actually managed to get quite a few in some magazines. It was fun but man it is a ton of work. Planes are much easier. :D


BTW...one time at a photo shoot the photographer wanted to use one of those scantily clad ladies in a couple of the photos. Cheryl was not at that shoot and I didn't tell her about it. I figured those shots probably wouldn't make it to the mag article but of course they did. :D Can't imagine any bikinied babes hanging off a plane. :D

Steve Clardy
03-17-2005, 10:41 PM
Did good Terry. Fabulous refab. Can't wait to see my-----what brand was it? lol
I only had it a day before you got it to take home to rebuild.
Some way or another you slipped the plane fever to me while we were eating breakfast in KC. lol

Jack Diemer
03-18-2005, 11:08 AM
BTW...one time at a photo shoot the photographer wanted to use one of those scantily clad ladies in a couple of the photos. Cheryl was not at that shoot and I didn't tell her about it. I figured those shots probably wouldn't make it to the mag article but of course they did. :D Can't imagine any bikinied babes hanging off a plane. :D

It would have to be on a #8 that is for sure.