View Full Version : an emotional piece (turned sculpture)

Michelle Rich
01-04-2012, 9:55 AM
Many years ago, I turned this flat piece. ( it appears my solid space & negative space pieces were an idea I've had for many years) I was trying to emote what it felt like to become disabled. One day you are strong and healthy and totally able. The next day you are broken and everything you could do, lightening quick & well, has now become a slow and agonizing process. Your world is not solid anymore, and one must adjust & become a new person. To learn - to adjust- to make one's self anew, & to fight back and have faith is what I hope this says to all who view it. Hope this helps those of you who have disabilities to deal with in your life, & those too who do not, understand a little about challenged folks you may know.
Walnut & spalted maple. This piece is taller & less wide than it appears. My camera makes everything squat. annoys the heck out of me!

Prashun Patel
01-04-2012, 10:02 AM
You ain't broken - just better!

Beautiful. I get it.

Scott Lux
01-04-2012, 10:07 AM
Very powerful. And beautiful.

John Keeton
01-04-2012, 10:07 AM
Michelle, I think you have put this piece, and yourself, back together in a pleasing manner!! Perhaps a good title for this one would be "Discombobulated"??:)

Faust M. Ruggiero
01-04-2012, 10:10 AM
Well Michelle,
The note you struck rings clear and true. Even though I am not a person who is not artistically intuitive, your early turning evokes a feeling of disharmony and a sense of the disturbance you must have felt when you made it. But the pieces are all together, though not in the traditional alignment and a new figure that still looks strong and connected shows a sense of purpose and resolve. I'm happy to have been able to see you through it.

Tim Rinehart
01-04-2012, 10:49 AM
Very cool...very profound as well. I get it. Well done piece and bio on it.
Makes me think perhaps this is some of what went thru Picasso's mind on some of his works.

Bernie Weishapl
01-04-2012, 10:54 AM
Beautiful and touching.

Jamie Donaldson
01-04-2012, 11:53 AM
Michelle- your camera lens is distorting proportions (known as the "fat lady" effect in the photo business!) because you are too close to the object, using a wide angle focal length setting which induces "barrel distortion." Try backing away and using a longer focal length setting to zoom in and fill the frame, and I believe you'll find the proportions to be more accurate. I really like the reassembled turning, and would title it "Disabled" to make the meaning more available to viewers.

Bill Wyko
01-04-2012, 12:19 PM
This is absolutely stunning!! Your work always offers a whole new way to look at turning. You are one heck of an artist. Thanks for sharing your efforts.

Michelle Rich
01-04-2012, 1:28 PM
thanks for the info Jamie..but my camera is a 89.00 point & shoot digital..it may not be able to learn new tricks!

Dan Forman
01-04-2012, 2:09 PM
I think this captures what you are trying to express, though many viewers may need a title that leads them to see it... Reintegration... Adaptation...etc.


Neil Longhenry
01-04-2012, 2:16 PM
Michelle, A most thought provoking piece. I do not know the circumstances that led to this creation but it is powerful. Thanks for sharing - Neil

alex grams
01-04-2012, 3:10 PM
Michelle, the piece is great, but your story really makes the piece come alive. I could perfectly understand your intent in the piece from your story.

If you don't mind, I am curious as to what challenges (disability wise) you have overcome.

Jamie Donaldson
01-04-2012, 3:13 PM
Alex- at present Michelle's handicap is attempting to make
"silk purse" photos with a "sow's ear" camera!

Hayes Rutherford
01-04-2012, 3:14 PM
Well said and well sculpted.

Cathy Schaewe
01-04-2012, 5:56 PM
The piece is striking (and yes, I can certainly see some of the evolution of your later negative space work). But for me it really becomes moving with the narrative, because that makes me contemplate the fracturing and reintegration (I liked that proposed title) of not just the piece, but its symbolism of other fractured and reintegrated entities, whether they be physical, mental, spiritual, whatever.

charlie knighton
01-04-2012, 7:25 PM
very nice, it stands on its own, early piece or not, how big is it anyway?

David E Keller
01-04-2012, 8:21 PM
I like it! I have to admit that I generally don't enjoy reading about the feelings behind a piece, but this is certainly an exception. This piece and its intent are both inspiring!

Nate Davey
01-04-2012, 8:36 PM
Wonderful introspective work Michelle. Not being an "art person" I probably wouldn't have connected with this without your personal experience. I've looked at this several times and just noticed the base. Beautiful but low key.

Curt Fuller
01-04-2012, 9:00 PM
The symbolism in artwork is something that usually goes sailing over my head. But I have to admit that this piece along with your description is very touching. I've always enjoyed your work and really love the chairs you used to post. But I never knew you were working with a handicap. Thanks for posting this, it puts an even better light on your work for me.

Steve Vaughan
01-04-2012, 9:34 PM
I like that piece...and the story just makes it rock, in my opinion. There's a lot of directions you could go with that but your piece does the thought justice. And, just so you know, I'm gonna copy something like this because it's such a great thought and piece. I like the story! Don't know when, but I'm gonna do it.

Baxter Smith
01-04-2012, 10:51 PM
Very imaginative Michele! The concept is great and I get it.:) Too be honest though, its patttern/or randomness is not something I (physically) enjoy looking at. Funny how some designs or patterns almost give me a feeling of motionsickness. Guess my brain isn't wired well enough to enjoy studying it.:)

Michelle Rich
01-05-2012, 5:44 AM
hi nate; thanks..the spalted maple is representative of the lost footing of life..it's spalted & spongy in places. Not the "rock" one assumes it always is. the ripples on the surface might well show the variations of the ups and downs of life. Or heck it may not . Artists are so wierd!!!:D We see things where they are not!!:eek:

Michelle Rich
01-05-2012, 5:46 AM
many thanks for your thoughts Faust. appreciate them .

Michelle Rich
01-05-2012, 5:52 AM
charlie: 13t x 9w