View Full Version : First pepper mill.

Dan Forman
01-03-2012, 3:04 AM
I had been meaning to do one of these for a long time, finally got around to it. I was rushing to get this completed on Christmas eve for my sister, so used Dr's Woodshop walnut oil/carnuba/shellac finish - wiped on and burnished 3 coats. Not much shine really, that disappears when you burnish it in. It's supposed to be pretty tough, so I'll keep my eye on it to see how it holds up.

Once I got it assembled, I thought the cap was a little too big. I may have to steal it away sometime and shrinkify the cap a little bit. Would appreciate your feedback on that. I turned each piece separately, next time might do them together to get a better feel for the proportions.

It's 6" high. I photographed it as my sister's in situ, didn't have time to do so while it was still here. The curl in the maple shows better in real life, next one I might try dying though. Sis was very happy with it, and wants to commission one for her friend.

I turned a solid, one piece mockup first, playing with the shape, made this one a little more stout at the waist, which feels better in the hand, though I liked the look of the mockup a little better.



Keith Westfall
01-03-2012, 3:13 AM
If 'Sis' is happy enough with it to want one for a friend, then it is good! Some will talk about 3rd's or 5th's and the angle of the dangle and the slope of the whatnot, but if the receiver says it's good, then it's good.

Next one can be different in style, size, proportions or whatever. "I'm" not sure there is a perfect shape, each one is unto it's own!

Keep on turning.