View Full Version : Spalted Walnut Canister

Richard Jones
01-02-2012, 2:59 PM
This came from a tree in the m-i-l's back yard, courtesy of Irene. I expect it wouldn't have lasted too much longer anyway, after seeing this and the lack of a normal root ball.

Anyway, this is about 6 1/2 tall, plus the Virginia Ebony knob, 4" dia. Walnut oil, buffed, Ren-waxed. No finish on the interior. Not sure yet as to what's it will be used for, still working on that part.......... First time using my new tripod, finally own a good one.

C & C welcomed. 218029218030218031218032

Steve Schlumpf
01-02-2012, 3:18 PM
Richard - you did good - both on the turning and your photography! Sure is some pretty wood and I like your use of Ebony for a knob. Nice work!

Ken Hill
01-02-2012, 3:26 PM
My wife started pointing at your canister and kept saying "See that, make me one but bigger!"

Nice job!

Dan Forman
01-02-2012, 3:45 PM
Really nice! Great wood and form, the knob looks just right. You might think about a coat of shellac or two on the inside, will give some protection without any odors. The tripod will dramatically improve your photos, as I'm sure you are already seeing.


Roger Chandler
01-02-2012, 3:48 PM
I like that one Rich! Great form............that Virginia Ebony........grows local does it? :rolleyes::D;)

Johnny England
01-02-2012, 3:50 PM
Very nice. When I first looked I thought you had made a set of four.

David E Keller
01-02-2012, 4:18 PM
That's really nice, Richard! I love the proportions and the soft finish! I kind of wish that tiny little flat between the beads at the lid/body junction was absent, but that's a tiny little nit to pick. Great work!

Richard Jones
01-02-2012, 5:39 PM
Shellac on the inside, I always seem to forget about that, thanks, Dan. I sketched a dozen or so variations of the knob, and they looked fine by themselves, but on the piece was a different story. I think it might be better with a narrower waist (me too for that matter!!), but I do like it.

And for those that don't know what Virginia Ebony is, or, Ebonisius Redneckius, it's walnut with India ink............

David, I hear you about that flat. I didn't hit the join line just right with the parting tool, and that's the result.

Ken, this one is actually the prototype for some larger ones, as soon as I get the time to cut that sycamore in the pasture.

This was fun to do, and much easier than a box, as the lid isn't fitted suctionish-like. I think these would do well at craft fairs, Christmas time, etc.

Jim Burr
01-02-2012, 5:55 PM
Just plain nice Richard...nice wood, form, great finish. Gotta love it!

Bernie Weishapl
01-02-2012, 6:42 PM
That is a really nice cannister and love the walnut.

John Keeton
01-02-2012, 8:43 PM
This is an excellent piece!!! And, you and Roger are getting good at those "domestic" ebonies!! Usually, when the sapwood of walnut gets to the spalted stage, it is just about gone. The heartwood is pretty resistant to rot, though.

Ted Calver
01-02-2012, 8:48 PM
Beautiful piece Richard.

Tim Rinehart
01-02-2012, 8:53 PM
Nice work indeed Rich, I like that form for canisters a lot.

Lori Kleinberg
01-02-2012, 9:04 PM
Great looking canister.

Baxter Smith
01-02-2012, 10:49 PM
Very pretty wood and form. The knob goes well with it. Do you have enough wood left for a set? They would be a knockout!

Michelle Rich
01-03-2012, 7:26 AM
I like the shape & the wonderful wood. Makes for a very pleasing box. good job!

Robert McGowen
01-03-2012, 9:19 AM
That is a nice little box, Richard!