View Full Version : hard boiled egg stand?

john brenton
01-02-2012, 10:53 AM
Hey everybody,

My kids love hardboiled eggs, so I'd like to make a pair of stands/holders. First problem is that I can't seem to find any examples, so I'm thinking there must be a specific name for them. I know I've seen really cool old ones but can't find any online.

Second problem is that I'm only set up for spindle turning. A chuck is on my wishlist, but as of yet no. Would it be feasible to make this with only a spindle set up? I guess I would just have to part off the spur side, or leave it as it wouldn't be seen on the bottom, and try to hollow out as much as I can on the tail center side but finish hollowing with a gouge at the bench?

Jim Burr
01-02-2012, 11:01 AM
I know CSUSA has soft boiled egg stands, but I don't think the stand can tell! Just think of a short candle stick, with a bigger bowl (to hold the egg) on the top.

01-02-2012, 11:58 AM
Search: Egg cups.

Allan Ferguson
01-02-2012, 2:06 PM
A small goblet would work. Glue to a wast block with face plate, spindle turn. bore a hole in the end grain, radius scraper cleans up the interior if you have on available.After in inside is turned do the out side, then part off.

Dennis Ford
01-02-2012, 2:17 PM
If you have a faceplate, you can make just about anything that can be done with a chuck. A chuck is a convienience not a necessity.

Steve Schlumpf
01-02-2012, 2:45 PM
John - like J.D. suggested, google Egg Cups and check out the images to get lots of ideas. Also agree with Dennis - use a faceplate. Maybe not as convenient as a chuck but it works!

john brenton
01-02-2012, 4:24 PM
Thanks everyone. I couldn't wait, so just went ahead and carved it out, but Ill have to try my faceplate. I have one, I've just never used it. I only ever make spindles for furniture...this was fun as heck though. Took about ten minutes to make two of them, then about ten minutes to carve the bowl out. Ill be making more of these.

Steve Schlumpf
01-02-2012, 4:49 PM
Looks like you figured out a way that works for you! Have fun with this and I look forward to seeing more of them real soon!

James Hamilton
01-02-2012, 4:56 PM
Is it better to say "hard boiled eggs" or "soft boiled eggs"... I can't figure it out...:confused:

David E Keller
01-02-2012, 5:15 PM
Nicely done! I should warn you that turning has been reported to be addictive!

Jim Burr
01-02-2012, 5:53 PM
Remember that Keller is a bone doc, so if you see something that looks funny...well, you've been warned!!
See!!!! A small candle holder with a big top!! Ya done good!!

john brenton
01-02-2012, 10:29 PM
You guys are great....much nicer than the grumpy old farts in neander haven...just kidding, of course, but thanks again.