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View Full Version : Christmas scent in the air...

Brian Brown
01-01-2012, 5:50 PM
These potpourri pots were made for my mother, mil and grandmother. The first and third are made of Box Elder Burl, salvaged from the landfill. The second, for my mother is made from apricot that was grown in my parents backyard. The tops came from CS. C&C welcome.

Greg Just
01-01-2012, 5:55 PM
the Brown production line sure has been busy. I have never seen box elder like that. Beautiful.

Jon McElwain
01-01-2012, 6:02 PM
Man, I always love seeing that box elder burl - stunning grain! Love the form on those, but the first one is my favorite. Sure glad you saved that from the landfill!

How was the apricot to turn?

01-01-2012, 7:20 PM
Wow! That's some spectacular looking wood! What is the size and what kind of finish did you use?

Bernie Weishapl
01-01-2012, 7:26 PM
Really nice Brian. Beautiful wood.

David E Keller
01-01-2012, 7:35 PM
Great work on all three!

Baxter Smith
01-01-2012, 10:56 PM
Great shapes on all three and the wood is exceptional!

Brian Effinger
01-02-2012, 12:19 PM
Beautiful forms, Brian. I'm sure the ladies loved them.

Scott Hackler
01-02-2012, 12:40 PM
Nice. I love the look of the box elder burl!

Bill Bolen
01-02-2012, 1:01 PM
Gorgeous pieces Brian! Love that burl...the eyes sure jump out. I had no idea Apricot could be so close to Cherry color wise,

Brian Brown
01-02-2012, 3:30 PM
The 2 box elder pieces are about 4.5 " tall, and 6.5" wide. The Apricot is about 3.5" tall, and 5" wide. The finish on the apricot is Minwax tung oil finish buffed, and the BEB pieces are tung oil finish with lacquer on top, and buffed.

Brian Brown
01-02-2012, 3:33 PM
How was the apricot to turn?

Hard as lava rock, but it actually turned nice. Hollowing was very slow with the Hunter swan neck. Polished very nice!

Jim Burr
01-02-2012, 4:08 PM
Those are beautiful Brian!! I love making pots and the shape will be stolen...uhhh...used!!

James Hamilton
01-02-2012, 5:43 PM
Very beautiful!

Steve Schlumpf
01-02-2012, 6:43 PM
Wow - each of those have great form and exceptional wood! I am sure they each loved their gifts! Nice work!